Is Freelancing Right for You? Ask Yourself 8 Questions

freelance or not

These days, more and more people are jumping onto the freelance bandwagon. A recent CreditDonkey report showed that 14 million American workers – one in nine – are self-employed. Of those, about 2.4 million are contract (freelance) workers, rather than small business owners.

Although many of these freelancers are older workers leveraging their decades of experience, many are also just starting their careers. But no matter which end of the spectrum you might be at, you need to ask yourself eight hard questions to determine if freelancing is really the right choice for you before jumping in headlong. ...  read more

How to Ask for Help at Work – 5 Tips

help at work

One of the best skills you could possibly have to ensure a successful career is knowing how and when to ask for help at work. So many people are afraid of failure or being seen as incompetent that they often attempt projects or tasks just trying to improvise instead of asking for help. In a truly professional work environment, asking for help doesn’t necessarily mean you are dumb or hopeless, it just means you care about the quality of your work and how you represent your company. ...  read more

My First Job – 5 Tips to Excel and Get Promoted

first job

It’s your very first full-time job out of school, how do you excel is an important question to ask.  Unlike school, where excelling means getting a good grade or GPA, in a job, excelling means building a good work reputation, learning new skills, and getting promoted quickly.  

When it comes to climbing the career ladder, everyone has to start somewhere.  The top of the ladder might look very far away but remember, your present position is just the first step on your way to better things.   Here are 5 tips on how to excel on your first job.   ...  read more

Imagine What You can Do with Your Career

Last week, Linkedin published a powerful 2 min video where nine people each talked about their work.

While I know it’s a brand ad for Linkedin (a very good one), what really stood out to me was how these nine people talked about what their job or volunteer work stand for and how they see themselves contributing to the world.  Each one of them says it with such definitiveness and confidence.  Here are four examples. ...  read more

How to Change Careers Off the Beaten Path – 4 Tips

Sometimes what seems like a great idea when you start on a career path can end up being a disappointment when you end up in a job that is not the kind of life you imagined or worse, unemployed. Unfortunately, this is fairly common. According to a report last year, “53% of recent college grads [In the US] are jobless or underemployed.” Even many who do have a full time job are working outside their degree’s intended career path. This can be very disheartening, especially for those who have gone into considerable debt and spent much time and effort getting their degree. ...  read more