I’m Happy, Excited, Lost, and Anxious – All at the Same Time

What it feels like to leave traditional work and walk into the unknown

On April 11, I’ll officially leave my corporate job—and with it, close the chapter on 30 years of traditional work. But this isn’t just about quitting a job. It’s about stepping away from the structure that has defined most of my adult life and stepping into a space I’ve never fully explored: freedom.

You’d think that reaching financial freedom—something I’ve worked toward for decades—would bring a wave of joy. And yes, I’m happy. But I’m also feeling excited, lost, and a little anxious. Because the truth is, big transitions rarely come with just one emotion.

I’m Happy: This Is the Right Time to Go

I’m leaving on good terms. The decision was part theirs and part mine, and I don’t feel like I’m abandoning anyone. The team is strong. The friendships I’ve made will last beyond this job. That gives me peace.

I’m also grateful—grateful that I’ve built financial stability, and that I can afford to not rush into another full-time job. I get to spend more time with my kids. My oldest has a year and a half left at home, and my youngest still has about five years. I get to be present. I get to savor.

And I’m happy to be spending more quality time with my parents while they’re still healthy enough to travel. We’re bonding in new ways—dreaming up family trips, finding great travel deals, and even dipping into a bit of luxury. It’s something I’ve always wanted.

I’m Excited: The Possibilities Are Endless

This is the first time in decades I’m not tied to a Monday-to-Friday, 9-to-5 job. And with that comes excitement.

I’m giving myself permission to explore. To try new things. To reinvent how I work and how I contribute. My reflex is to go job hunting immediately—but I’m choosing not to. Instead, I’m exploring what financial freedom really means for me.

What if I don’t need to jump into another full-time job ever again? What if the next 30 years could be defined by choice, creativity, and contribution—on my terms?

Maybe I’ll consult. Maybe I’ll write. Maybe I’ll build something entirely new. I get to decide. And that’s thrilling.

I’m Also Feeling Lost: There’s No Playbook for This

There’s no roadmap for leaving traditional work at this stage in life. When people hear I’m leaving, the first thing they ask is: “So, what’s next?”

And I don’t have an answer. Not yet. And that’s unsettling.

For 30 years, I’ve known what’s next. I’ve had goals, deadlines, and performance reviews. Now? The structure’s gone. I have to build it myself. And while that’s freeing, it’s also overwhelming.

I’ve heard that some people feel lost when they leave their careers behind, and I understand why. Without the external schedule and validation, you’re left with big questions: What do I want? Who am I without my job title? What does success even mean now?

And Yes, I’m Anxious: Because This Is Big

This shift is stirring up thoughts I used to push aside during the busy workweek—thoughts about mortality, purpose, and how long I want to live a healthy, meaningful life.

Even though I’ve reached a goal I set decades ago, I don’t feel like I’m standing on a peaceful mountaintop. Instead, I feel like I’ve reached a summit—only to look around and realize there’s a vast, open valley ahead, full of unknowns.

There’s no job title now to validate me. No boss to measure my worth. Just me—navigating who I want to be next. And that’s both beautiful and unnerving.

Even sharing this with my parents is complicated. They worked traditional jobs for 50 years and are now happily retired. I know they want me to travel and enjoy life, but I also know they may worry. And their worry can affect me more than I’d like to admit.

But I Know This Is Right

I’ve been thinking about this move for years. And now, it’s real.

I have the means. I have the timing. I have the desire to spend more time with the people I love while they’re still right here with me—my kids at home, my parents still healthy.

And most of all, I know I’ll figure it out. I may not have all the answers yet, but I trust myself. I’m building something new. Something that’s mine.

There’s a myth that once you hit your goals, you’ll be happy and complete. But life doesn’t work that way. We’re meant to grow, connect, contribute. That’s what I’m chasing now.

I’m choosing this next chapter—with all its unknowns. And I’m going to enjoy the process of figuring it out.

Something to Consider for Yourself

If you’ve made it this far, thank you. I hope that by sharing the raw mix of emotions I’m experiencing, you see a reflection of something in your own life—whether you’re on the verge of a big transition, quietly dreaming of one, or just wondering what else might be possible.

Maybe you’re not quite ready to leave your job, or maybe you’re not sure what financial freedom looks like for you yet. That’s okay. This post isn’t about quitting—it’s about choosing. Choosing to pause. Choosing to reflect. Choosing to realign with what matters most.

So, here’s what I want to leave you with:

  • You don’t have to have it all figured out to move forward.
    The clarity often comes from the doing, not just the thinking.

  • Give yourself permission to imagine a different kind of success.
    Maybe it’s not the next promotion or paycheck. Maybe it’s health, time, or presence.

  • Transitions come with all the emotions.
    You can be happy and anxious. Excited and lost. That doesn’t mean you’re doing it wrong—it means you’re growing.

  • You are allowed to redefine your life—at any age, any stage.
    Whether you’re 30, 50, or 70, the chapters ahead are yours to write.

If any of this resonates, I hope you’ll sit with it. Ask yourself: What do I want more of in my life? What am I ready to let go of? And what would it look like to take even one small step in that direction?

You don’t need a grand plan. You just need the courage to listen to what your life is trying to tell you.

Best wishes.  I am always in your corner.


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