Embracing Change: Why Leaving My Job Feels Like a Blessing

A Surprising Calm in the Face of Change

After two weeks of traveling, attending conferences, and meeting with my boss in person for the last time, I received my year-end review—solid performance, full bonus payout, no surprises. But the bigger conversation was about what’s next.

Since I had turned down an offer to lead Risk & Control for digital, the writing was on the wall. My boss, Sam, even fought to keep me, but the decision was made. They needed my salary to fund that role, and my work was too far ahead of their priorities. Plus, as Sam put it, I was “too expensive” to be redirected elsewhere. (Guess I negotiated well five years ago!) ...  read more

How Making a Career Limiting Move can Lead to Greater Opportunities

A lot happened last week, leaving me with a tough decision. I received an unexpected invite from my big boss (let’s call him Richard) for a one-on-one meeting at 8:30 AM on Tuesday. The invite simply stated that he wanted to discuss “upcoming opportunities.”

Unsure of what it meant, I reached out to my immediate manager (let’s call him Sam) to see if he had any insights. Sam speculated that it was likely about me helping out with some risk-related work we had discussed plus some Chief of Staff responsibilities. ...  read more

Three Unexpected Benefits from “Talking to the Duck”

working partnership
In my role as the Digital Experience Strategy leader, I started working with a lot of new partners this year. At first, I spent hours explaining the context of the work ahead, sharing the intricacies of what we can do next together, and trying to align everyone on the vision. It was exhausting, and it felt like I was rehashing the same information over and over. But one day, about six months ago, something shifted. I was venting my frustration to a partner, saying how tiring it was to repeat myself, when they stopped me and said, “You know, there are benefits to ‘talking to the duck.’” The phrase made me pause. “Talking to the duck” is a playful reference to saying things out loud to get clarity. It turns out this approach with my partners has three unexpected benefits that go beyond simple updates. Here’s what I learned:

1. Getting My Partners Truly Up to Speed

When I take the time to explain the context of the work ahead, what we can do next together, and share my thoughts on challenges, my partners gradually start to see the whole picture. Yes, it can feel repetitive, but the process of “talking to the duck” builds a foundational understanding that goes deeper than a one-time briefing. My partners begin to connect the dots for themselves, anticipate what’s needed, and can even make informed decisions without waiting for me to spell things out each time. This understanding means they can proactively suggest solutions or spot potential issues sooner. ...  read more

When Things Go “Wrong,” Can I Still be Happy & Grateful?

This seems like such a counter-intuitive question.  Usually when things go “wrong,” we can have a pretty negative response.  This may include anger, frustration, disappointment, fear, guilt, or any number of negative emotions.  Aren’t we justified to feel these in  a “bad” situation?  Perhaps or perhaps not.  While it’s natural to feel the sting of any unexpected situation when it first happens, how long we keep feeling that sting is our own choice.   We can keep recounting the unfairness of what happens for days, weeks, months or we can choose a different perspective – look for the gift and opportunity in the situation and act from there.   Let me explain with an example. ...  read more

How to Create New Year “Goals” That Inspire You All Year

I don’t know about you, but I no longer like coming up with S.M.A.R.T goals for my new year resolutions.   This is mainly because goals like “I want to lose 6 pounds in six months” or “I want to launch a product manager bootcamp by x date.” are both rigid and demotivating as the year goes on.   It also doesn’t get at the heart of WHY I want these goals. ...  read more

I Have Always Been “Lucky” – Here is How You Can Be Too

As I look back on 2021, I told Hubby we have been very lucky in our life and at my work.   He said “Lei, we make our luck.”  I said “I know, but what does that really mean?”  I always believed in it but had trouble explaining it to others.   Luck is after all based on random chance, right? ...  read more