Mental Fitness – Six Weeks Bootcamp for Achievers


“It’s almost a year that I took the Mental Fitness course.  I am so grateful that I “found” you and that your coaching and articles have kept me on track on the path to finding balance and healthier ways to manage stress.”

“Lisa”, Program Manager

“I was pretty lost in both my career and personal life before finding the Mental Fitness boot camp. I was so overwhelmed I was considering therapy and medication. This boot camp has really given me the tools to navigate all the challenges life throws at you. I have a much easier time getting over frustrating situations, am kinder to myself, and am happier overall! This course has made such a big impact on my life – I am forever grateful to have found it!”

“Cindy”, Program & Product Manager 

What do You Want to CHANGE in Your Life

Do you want to achieve with ease and flow instead of worry and stress? 
Do you want to know how to be happy now, regardless of whether your life or work is “perfect” yet? 
Do you want to have better work life balance
Do you want to build better relationships at work or in your personal life? 

If the answer is yes to ANY of these questions, this six-weeks Mental Fitness Bootcamp is the path to the new “more awesome” YOU.  

Start with this Free 5 min Assessment

To find out more about this Mental Fitness bootcamp, start with this free assessment.   This will help you build self-awareness regardless of whether you take the course or not.

Mental Fitness Bootcamp Benefits

I really believe in the power of this course. It can help you take risks and achieve your dreams with a positive mindset – empathy, curiosity, passion, and vigor.

  • It combines 20% insight with 80% practice to enable you to achieve lasting results
  • Hundreds of CEOs and their teams and 500K people in 50 countries have taken this bootcamp.
  • I took the bootcamp as well and gained tremendous value – I am able to recover sooner from worry and stress.  I am able to build better relationships with colleagues and with my parents.   I am able to be more at peace while I try new things in life 🙂  

Taking this Mental Fitness bootcamp with Lei has been one of the best decisions I have made in my life. This bootcamp not only significantly improved my career but also my personal life during a very difficult period when I couldn’t find satisfaction in anything and had lost my purpose. 

I have not only found my voice, confidence and purpose in my life but I am energized when dealing with the same issues rather than allowing them to drain me!!!

“Rachel”, Product Manager, Nov 2021

Imagine the New You!

Imagine achieving your peak performance with calm & ease instead of worry and stress. 
Imagine feeling empowered to take risks with curiosity and vigor instead of self doubt and fear.Be awesome
Imagine easily interacting with a difficult co-worker or family member without being triggered by their words. 

It is all possible with Mental Fitness. 

However, it doesn’t happen overnight.   Just like physical fitness takes time, so does building our mental fitness muscles.   We have 20+ years of auto-pilot reactions that we need to unlearn.   It takes 28 days to build a new habit.     This six-week bootcamp can help you create a lasting change to your inner dialogue, your response to stressful situations, and your reaction to previously “hurtful” words from loved ones.  

Build 3 Critical Mental Muscles

Over the six weeks, you will learn how to build 3 critical mental muscles

  1. Saboteur interceptor muscle – how to quickly become aware when you are triggered or hijacked by negative emotions and/or thoughts
  2. Self command muscle – how to regain composure and clear mind, even in the midst of meetings or difficult conversations with colleagues or family.  This will help you tap into your inner wisdom. 
  3. Sage perspective muscle – how to view anything and everything that happens as a gift and opportunity, so you can respond to challenges with a positive mindset. 

This bootcamp has changed my life and I am glad to be training as a coach so that I can help you and others achieve peak performance, maintain well being, and build better relationships at work and in life.   You already have everything within you to achieve your dreams.  You just need to learn to tap into it by going to this Mental Fitness bootcamp.     

How the Six-week Bootcamp Work

The main teacher of the bootcamp is Shirzad Chamine,  a Stanford MBA and lecturer, a NY time best seller author, and a successful CEO coach.   I will be your coach during you weekly pod meetings.   All the learning is managed by an exclusive mobile app – PQ – which stands for Positive Intelligence.  The mobile app is only available to enrolled students. Once you enroll, I will send you instructions on how to download it.   

Here are main aspects of the bootcamp.

  • 7 Weekly 1 hour videos –  broken into 5 to 10 min sections so it’s easy to digest, time released on Fridays.
  • 15 min daily exercises – Each day has a different daily focus and coaching challenges.  Each exercise is only 2-3 min long.  You just need to sit and listen to it.  What’s really cool is you can immediately apply the concepts that day to your next conversation or situation at work or at home 
  • 7 Weekly pod sessions (60 min) – you will be part of a learning pod with up to 4 other students.  I will lead and coach every session.  You can ask questions and share your learnings with others in a safe and confidential environment.  I will coach you on your specific situations.

On top of this, the mobile app will track your progress daily.   The app will also enable you to communicate with your learning pod privately and also publicly with all students who are taking this bootcamp across the world at the same time.  

Bootcamp Timing & Cost – Reserve Today before I Sell Out

  • Start date: 
    • Saturday, Aug 14, 2021 – completed
    • Saturday, Jan 22, 2022 – completed
    • Saturday, April 9, 2022 – completed
    • Saturday, April 15, 2023 – completed
    • Saturday, Feb 10, 2024 – completed
    • Saturday, 2025 dates TBD
  • Pod size:  5 students max
  • Pod meeting time: Mondays 5:00pm – 6:00pm pacific time for 7 weeks 
  • Who should attend:  This bootcamp takes commitment.  If you are ready to change your life and commit to the work outlined above, then it is right for you.
  • Cost:  $1000 including 7 hours of coaching from Lei.  30 day money back guarantee! No questions asked.   

Unleash the Best Version of You!

With mental fitness, you can improve your performance, your relationships, and your overall happiness with work and life.  Schedule 30 min with me to find out more!  How can mental fitness help you transform your life.    No obligations!

I look forward to empowering you to work smart and live more.   


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