Embracing Change: Why Leaving My Job Feels Like a Blessing

A Surprising Calm in the Face of Change

After two weeks of traveling, attending conferences, and meeting with my boss in person for the last time, I received my year-end review—solid performance, full bonus payout, no surprises. But the bigger conversation was about what’s next.

Since I had turned down an offer to lead Risk & Control for digital, the writing was on the wall. My boss, Sam, even fought to keep me, but the decision was made. They needed my salary to fund that role, and my work was too far ahead of their priorities. Plus, as Sam put it, I was “too expensive” to be redirected elsewhere. (Guess I negotiated well five years ago!) ...  read more

How Making a Career Limiting Move can Lead to Greater Opportunities

A lot happened last week, leaving me with a tough decision. I received an unexpected invite from my big boss (let’s call him Richard) for a one-on-one meeting at 8:30 AM on Tuesday. The invite simply stated that he wanted to discuss “upcoming opportunities.”

Unsure of what it meant, I reached out to my immediate manager (let’s call him Sam) to see if he had any insights. Sam speculated that it was likely about me helping out with some risk-related work we had discussed plus some Chief of Staff responsibilities. ...  read more

How to Recover Quickly After a Work Mistake – 5 Tips

We’ve all been there—staring at our screen, replaying a mistake we made at work, feeling that pit in our stomach. It happens to the best of us. Just recently, I found myself in this exact situation.

My Work Mistake

I had an important meeting with my big boss, and I knew I needed to be concise. My leader had even advised me to focus on just one row of a particular slide, but for some reason—maybe pride in my work, maybe just being half-asleep on a Monday morning—I explained all six rows in detail. ...  read more

Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way: Isabel’s Determined Return to School

I continue to be in awe of my older daughter, Isabel, as she tackles the challenges of recovering from her ACL surgery. This past week marked her return to school, which brought a whole new set of hurdles. With one leg locked in a straight brace and unable to bear weight, her determination has been nothing short of inspiring. ...  read more

How My Daughter’s ACL Surgery Taught Us Strength, Resilience, and Family Bonding

I cried quietly in the front seat of the car. I didn’t want Isabel to see or hear me. In the back seat, she sang cheerfully along with the radio as her dad and I drove her to John Muir Hospital for knee surgery. We had been preparing for this day for two months, but it didn’t make it any easier. I’ve never broken a bone, let alone had surgery, so imagining what my 16-year-old was about to endure felt overwhelming.

We had done everything we could to prepare: found an excellent surgeon, scheduled the procedure to minimize impact on her schoolwork, stocked up on medications, and followed every pre-op instruction. Yet, I felt powerless. I wished I could take her pain away.

The Accident That Changed Everything

It all started with a fluke accident during a casual one-on-one street soccer scrimmage in early August. At first, the X-ray suggested she had simply tweaked her knee, and we expected her to be back at soccer practice in two months. But when the instability lingered, an MRI revealed the truth: a completely torn ACL and a possible meniscus tear. The diagnosis meant a four-hour surgery, two grueling weeks of recovery, three months on crutches, and a year before returning to soccer. ...  read more

Turning a Sticky Work Situation Into an Opportunity: Jason’s Story

I’ve known Jason for many years. Our relationship started with me acting as a mentor to him, guiding him in his career and communication style. Over time, we’ve grown into peers and friends, and I have come to admire the executive he has become. Nowadays, I learn as much from him as he does from me. Recently, Jason shared a story about how he handled a potentially sticky situation at work, and I think his approach was brilliant. I believe it’s something anyone can benefit from, which is why I’m sharing it here. ...  read more