What Kind of “Sugar” Can You Contribute?

I can’t stop watching this video.  It just make me feel so good about life and people.  My husband showed it to us a few weeks ago.  Now my kids and I watch it almost every day and dance to it in pure joy.

So why am I share this on my career blog?  Well, it made think about the true meaning of success and a challenge for all of you.

True Meaning for Success

  • It’s not about how much Maroon 5 will make off of this song and their upcoming concert.
  • It’s not about how good looking or talented Adam Levine is
  • It’s not even about the song “Sugar” and it’s very addictive love lyrics.

sugar newlywedsWhat this video made me realize is how much Adam Levine in a single day brought sheer joy to all those newlyweds who saw his surprise performance at their wedding.   Their shocked faces and joy bring a whole different level of success for Adam Levine and his band.

As you may remember, I talked about the definition of success before.   I highlighted the sentence this video above reminded me.   For Adam Levine, he was able to use his fame and talent in a very genuine way – to bring joy to these newlyweds.


To laugh often and much;
to win the respect of intelligent people and affection of children;
to earn the appreciation of honest critics
and endure the betrayal of false friends;
to appreciate beauty;
to find the best in others;
to leave the world a bit better,
whether by a healthy child, a garden patch
or redeemed social condition;
to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived
That is to have succeeded!

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

A Challenge for All of You – What kind of “Sugar” can you contribute to people around you?

What do I mean?  We may not be Adam Levine, but we all have our gifts to give to others.  When we are there to truly help others and make a difference, we can achieve success every day.  For me, this means

  • Writing more articles on this blog to inspire others
  • Helping a colleague at work even though it’s not my job
  • Guiding a tourist on the street who is lost
  • Teaching my kids how to skate, how to read, how to …
  • Volunteering

These are just a few ideas.  What we contribute to life can be big or small.  Every time I watch this video, I think to myself, what else can I do to bring joy to life – to my family, my friends, my colleagues, and therefore myself.

So I challenge you to think of your skills and gifts.  Everyone of you have gifts to give to others – to help others “breath easier.”  Contribute your own version of “Sugar” to life and people around you.   That can bring you a deeper feeling of success that any salary increase or promotion will ever bring.

Your comments: What do you think of this article?  What is your definition of success?  Would love your thoughts and comments below.

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Best wishes to your success in life and career.


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10 years ago

Lei dear i shared your post with a bunch of my friends and you sure made their days and their intentions as well.. Thank you for writing what that video meant to you and also for giving us a self-inquiry as to our definitions of success..
Thank you for your fun and creative approach to careers rather than a usual dry corporation style that is used nowadays in society.. you are a breath of fresh air:-)

Madan Mohan Bhatt
10 years ago

The honest and true hearted people in this world feel uncomfortable when things around them are not going well because of certain situation.

How to be cool and one should adjust himself when unable to do any thing.

10 years ago

Lei thank you sooo much for wrting this post..You sure sugarified 😉 my day and my future intentions by what you wrote..Thank you for reminding us of each of our’s unique gifts that we can share with life and with others..

10 years ago

This post was amazing.. i shared it on my face book page.. thank you..

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