Cafe Exercise: Dream Your Dream Job!

Job search does not have to be all work. It can be fun too. There are plenty of things you can do for your job search while sitting at a cafe drinking a hot latte. Here is one of them.

Cafe Exercise: Dream Your Dream Job
Part 1: Go to a nice cafe and get your favorite drink. For the next 30 minutes, just write down a list of things that you would want in your next dream job. It can be 3 pages long, the more detailed the better. Don’t worry about how you will get this job. Assume you will find a Genie who will grant you whatever job you want, and just brainstorm all the characteristics of that job. Here is a sample brainstorm list ...  read more

Why this blog?

I have worked in consulting for over 10 years and used to mentor dozens of people as part of work. Since I got married and had a baby, I decided to achieve more balance in life and work part time as a business strategy consultant.

While I love my life today, I really miss the opportunity to mentor others. I guess this blog is my outlet to still help others in their career. I learned a lot in my career so far – made plenty of mistakes as well as achieved some level of success. I hope to share some of my experience in case they can help you. ...  read more