In a Tough Situation? Read this Poem and Ask Yourself 3 Questions


I just randomly came across this poem by Charles Swindoll, called Attitude, posted on a store window.  I had to take a picture of it.  In a few short sentences he tells us the secret to achieving happiness.   No matter, what is happening in our lives and career,  we can always rely on our choice in attitude to shift our perspective. ...  read more

Negotiating Job Offer – What 70% of People Fail to Do

salary negotiations

In part 1 of our talk with Executive Author, Jane Lin, we discussed the Best Secret to Finding Your Dream Job.  Assuming you have a job offer, now what?  Should you negotiate?

We will have on average seven jobs in our life time.  Knowing how to negotiate job offers and initial salary at each new job can means the difference in ten of thousands of dollars in pay and give you a chance to impress our employer before we even start! ...  read more

Communicating Emotions at Work – 3 Tips

emotion communication

When my kids were in daycare, they were gently cared for. They were nurtured. They had great snacks and long naps. And they were taught about communicating emotions.

I’ll never forget the first time I heard my daughter say, “Mommy, I don’t like that you said that. When you say that it makes me feel sad.” Really? Yeesh. But you know what? I quickly grew to love and appreciate this communication skill. My daughter was able to clearly express her feelings and I was then able to respond to meet her need. Of course, sometimes it was just to say, “I understand that you feel sad. You can have a cookie AFTER dinner.” ...  read more

Say Yes – When You Usually Say No

I know it’s well into the New Year, but I am still pondering what to do differently this year to take my life to the next level.  Here is one idea I am implementing – Say Yes, when I usually say no.

I am realizing, if I want to grow in life and at work.

  • I need to go outside of my comfort zone
  • I need to do things differently than I usually do.
  • I need to take new chances and learn from new experiences

Why?  Because the definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”   Even with that understanding, many of us have a harder and harder time saying yes to new experiences.   We have so many bad concepts in our head like ...  read more

How to Be 10% Happier at Work?

how to be happy at work

This article on how to be 10% happier at work is inspired by reading a blog post Penelope Trunk wrote on How to Love the Job You Have – Focus on One Good Thing.    It was a touching personal story and it sparked an epiphany in my mind – we often spend too much time focusing our thoughts and speech on what we don’t like about our jobs vs. what we do like. ...  read more

3 Soft Skills We Can Learn from Madison Bumgarner

Madison Bumgarner

On Oct 29, 2014, against all odds, the San Francisco Giants narrowly won Game 7 of the World Series against the Kansas City Royal by the score of 3 to 2.  I learned everything about baseball from my husband who is a diehard Giants fan.   Since meeting him 10 years ago, I have had much more appreciation for this game – all the strategy involved with the lineup, the pitching, and the catcher. ...  read more

How to Deal with Stereotypes at Work – 4 Tips

A friend shared this Youtube video with me and I literally cried.  It talks about one stereotype that we all know about and how it affects us.  It’s amazing how stereotypes are so common in our society. Sometimes people use it intentionally in their communication to put down other people out of insecurity and other times people use stereotypes in their conversations and don’t even realize it. ...  read more