Being Right Is Not Enough

I have been struggling with an issue at work: We are doing a project that I know is the right thing to do for the company and the line of business involved.  With that said, I still need to figure out the best way to inform the partners in that line of business about the project, get their “buy in,” as well as their help to ensure that it is getting done correctly. ...  read more

How to Ask for Help at Work – 5 Tips

help at work

One of the best skills you could possibly have to ensure a successful career is knowing how and when to ask for help at work. So many people are afraid of failure or being seen as incompetent that they often attempt projects or tasks just trying to improvise instead of asking for help. In a truly professional work environment, asking for help doesn’t necessarily mean you are dumb or hopeless, it just means you care about the quality of your work and how you represent your company. ...  read more

How to Say No at Work

It may be hard to think about saying no at work, but sometimes it’s necessary to do so to protect your reputation as well as manage your stress level.  This 20 minutes podcast is a live coaching discussion with me regarding why, when, and how to say no at work.   There are definitely legitimate reasons and appropriate times to say no.  As you will learn, it is beneficial to you and the company to practice how to say no at work. ...  read more

How to Say No At Work – 5 Tips

Last week, we talked about Saying No at Work – When and Why to Do it.  This week, I want to discuss how to say no at work.  Being able to say no at work tactfully is an art form. You cannot just be blunt — how you say something is as important as what you want to say if you want to achieve the desired results.  In this case, the desired result is for the requester to accept your no and feel okay with it.  Here are 5 tips on how to say no at work gracefully: ...  read more