4 Principles of Great Interpersonal Communication Skills

Interpersonal communication is an important skill across all facets of your career. Whether you’re aware of it or not, interpersonal communication is present when you’re interviewing for a job, talking with your co-workers, or asking for a promotion.

Even when you do well across the ‘hard’ skills, such as data analysis, accounting, programming, you still won’t fare as well if your “soft” business skills aren’t up to snuff.  And a big ‘soft skill’ is your interpersonal communication – the ability to empathize and communicate with others in a personal, positive way will help you work effectively with your co-workers, team members, and your leaders.   Once you have an understanding of how best to articulate yourself both verbally and through non-verbal cues, you’ll be better off professionally (and in your personal life!) ...  read more

Dealing with Difficult Coworkers – 3 Tips

dealing with difficult coworkers

We all come across difficult coworkers.   How we deal with them can fundamentally affect our career and happiness.  Below is a real life situation from an avid reader around dealing with difficult co-workers.   I am thankful she reached out so I can not only help her but also shared this situation and my advice with any of you in similar situations. ...  read more

Difference between Success and Happiness

What is your definition of career success?  For most of us recognition, status, financial security, and wealth come to mind.   Why wouldn’t it? Our society has trained us to associate these things with career success.   There is also an implicit promise here that if we are successful, we will be happy.  But is it true? ...  read more

5 Workplace Communication Skills Critical to Success

workplace communication skills

You may—or may not—be surprised to learn that the vast majority of work-related problems stem from bad communication. Poor workplace communication can cause frustration, misunderstanding, apathy, revenue loss and poor performance. Communication issues account for 64% of workplace negativity, and often these problems are completely avoidable. With communication issues so prevalent in the workplace, the way you communicate with your colleagues and managers can either make or break your career. ...  read more

“Life is Always Just Beginning”

life is always just beginning

I went to a seminar last month and heard this saying “Life is Always just Beginning” from a 82 year-old lecturer, Bill McKeown.   I have been thinking about these 5 little words ever since.  It has helped me re-frame my perspective on life and my inner dialogue.

Do you ever notice how much we speak to ourselves everyday in our own head? ...  read more

New Interpersonal Communication Style Quiz

interpersonal skills quiz

Only 20% of professionals get 100% correct on this quiz.  Are you in the top 20%? Find out in just 2 minutes by taking the quiz below.

Your interpersonal communication style can directly affect your work reputation and your overall work effectiveness.  Your communication style pertains to

  • How you speak to someone one-on-one or in a group setting.
  • How you discuss work-related topics or personal topics at work
  • How you carry yourself in a formal and casual communication with others.

13 Questions Quiz

While it may be true that everyone is entitled to their own communication style, it is important to realize that certain styles are more acceptable and beneficial to you than others in the Western business world.   Take 2 minutes to take this quiz now – find out how your interpersonal skills stack up against what’s expected! ...  read more