No matter what happens in our lives, they happen for a reason – for us to learn, grow, and have a better path than the one we envisioned. My belief in fate is especially powerful and helpful when something unexpected and seemly negative happens.
This or similar things like this can happen to you and probably already happened. Think back to all the “bad ” things that have happened in your life, did any good things emerged since then? If you didn’t have this perspective before, perhaps it’s time to look at your life from a different lens, an empowered lens.
We talked about this topic in our coaching call last month. We shared four stories that started out unexpected and considered “bad” only to realize six months or a year later that it was for the better.
- I declined a job offer of a lifetime and regretted it
- A member received a unexpectedly bad health news and had to make a hard decision.
- Another member shared an uncharacteristic decision he made over the holidays.
- The “favored” candidate declined the job offer to join my team. I had to start the search from scratch when I was completely under-resourced.

Spoiler alert – each of these has a happy ending! At the time however, each of us was devastated. Here are the stories in this audio coaching call below. I look forward to your comments and questions.