How to Handle Being Overwhelmed at Work – 4 Tips that Work

We’ve all been there: waking up feeling like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, unsure how you’ll get through the day. That was me last Monday. I was juggling four major projects, all of them in different stages of chaos (or at least it felt that way). One of the projects involved a teammate who I wasn’t convinced knew how to do their part, while another project had a team entirely new to the effort. I couldn’t even gauge their motivation because, so far, no one had taken any real action. Then there was a project where I wasn’t sure what the next steps should be. Trying to tackle all of this at once made my mind feel scattered and unfocused.

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Work can be overwhelming, and the pressure can paralyze us if we don’t have a game plan. Here’s what I did to manage my stress, regain focus, and get back to productivity:

Tip 1: Walk It Off

When you’re overwhelmed, it’s easy to feel like you’re stuck in a loop of stress and worry. Sometimes, the best way to break that cycle is to physically remove yourself from it—even if just for a few minutes. I started my day with a brisk walk. It may sound too simple, but it works. Walking gets your body moving, your blood flowing, and releases some of the negative energy that tends to build up when you’re feeling anxious.

Tip 2: Focus on Three Things

Just three thingsInstead of trying to tackle everything at once, narrow your focus. I decided to just do three things that day. No more. No less. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, trying to solve everything in one go can actually make you less effective. I found that when I focused on just three tasks, I was able to get through them with more clarity and less stress.

Tip 3: Tackle What’s Stressing You the Most

I didn’t just pick any random three tasks. I chose the ones that were stressing me out the most. When you address your biggest stressor, you immediately feel a sense of relief, even if you don’t finish everything. By dealing with the most anxiety-inducing project first, it freed up mental space for me to think more clearly about the rest.

Tip 4: Break It Down

Big projects can feel like immovable mountains, but mountains are climbed one step at a time. I broke down each problem into smaller, manageable pieces. Once I did that, what seemed overwhelming turned into a series of smaller, solvable tasks. The key here is to focus on what you can do rather than stressing about the entire picture.

What Happened Later Last Week

walk it off - reduce overwhelmI took my own advice, and it made a world of difference. Every morning, I walked to work—25 minutes from door to door—to start my day and get my head in work mode. I realized what was stressing me most and focused on that as soon as I got there. I didn’t try to do too much. I decided on three things to focus on each day and stopped once I finished them. Even if I didn’t stop, my brain was spent by then. It felt good to know I was making progress.

By the end of the week, I could see progress, and something incredible happened: the projects started falling into place. The colleagues I’d been worried about began stepping up. With just a little extra preparation on my part, my partners started volunteering for key tasks and even offering solutions I hadn’t thought of. It felt good, not just because things were moving forward, but because I could tell that everyone else was as invested in the success of the project as I was.

By Friday, I felt accomplished and grateful. In just five short days, we had turned the corner, and our projects were heading in the right direction. If this approach worked for me, it can definitely work for you too.

Keep Moving Forward

one step at a timeRemember, it’s okay to feel overwhelmed—it happens to everyone. The key is not to let that feeling define your day. You don’t have to solve everything at once, and it’s perfectly fine to take things one step at a time. The important thing is to keep moving forward, even if it’s a small step.

When you’re overwhelmed, try to focus on progress, not perfection. Give yourself the space to breathe, and celebrate those little victories along the way. Sometimes, just showing up and doing your best is enough. You’re stronger than you think, and with the right mindset, you can tackle anything that comes your way. Take a deep breath, start small, and remember—you’ve got this!

By embracing the process and trusting in your ability to break down challenges, you’ll find that the mountain in front of you isn’t as impossible to climb as it seems. One step, one task, one day at a time—you’ll get there.

Your comments:  When was the last time you were overwhelmed?  How did you handle it?  Share your wisdom and your questions here.

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