What Energy and Attitude Are You Bringing to Work – It Matters

I got up at 5:50am for the first time in 3 years.   Believe me, I didn’t want to, but since my friend was also going and I said I would go.  The last time I got up this early was for a Bikram Yoga class and it was in 2019 before the COVID pandemic hit.  This time I got up because I signed up with my friends for my first 6:30am Zumba class.

What Happened in Zumba

I am not a morning person.  It takes me a bit to wake up and be energized.   I love to dance so at least I was looking forward to the class.   We walked to the gym and I was hoping I would be awake once I got there.  No, that didn’t happen.    I was physically there but still mentally asleep.

To my surprise, however, our Zumba teacher, Brendan, was perky and loud as if he has been up for 3 hours.   He spoke to us with excitement and energy as he started our warm up.    I couldn’t help but wake up more and be affected by his positivity.   My brain didn’t want to and my body was still adjusting.   But I couldn’t help but be influenced by his enthusiasm regardless.  He was just so genuinely happy.    I can tell the rest of the class also loved his energy.  Everyone dance their hearts out.   It felt like we were clubbing together at 6:30am.

Thankfully, by end of class, I was fully awake and walked home with a spring in my step.

Why Am I Sharing This?

On the way home, I was thinking about my work day.  There was a lot going on that week, but I felt lighter and more hopeful.   This class was a great reminder that I can choose to bring a certain energy to my work day and it can also be infectious like the energy Brendan gave to all of us in class.

Many times, we can complain about a bad day, but I wonder now how much we contributed to making it happen.  If we show up for work, bracing for things to go wrong, or people to be difficult, I think we will easily find it as that is the lens we brought to work.   It will also cause us to have a bad day as a result.

energy and attitude we bring to workWhat if we intentionally showed up to work with a lightness in our perception and attitude?  What if we intentionally choose to accept and forgive the imperfect day ahead, would we feel differently even if the same events happened?  I would argue yes.

What Brendan made me remember is what energy and attitude we bring to work will always impacts others.    If we would quickly feel irritated by events or people, we will exert that energy and those around us will feel it.   They may in turn be influenced by our attitude and respond with negativity.   Something small and frustrating can easily snowball for all parties to be something bigger and very irritating.

What if I let things happen and not react strongly when it’s irritating, will it change my day?  I believe so.

What Energy and Attitude We Bring to Work Matters

We have the power to navigate our daily lives differently.   If we choose to always look for irritation, we will find it everyday.  If we choose to accept the imperfection of work and people, we can better navigate it and not let it get to us.

Of course, it’s easier said than done.  This is just a reminder that what energy and attitude we bring to work matters on what kind of day we have, regardless of what happens.  It matters even more if we are team leaders.   Our mood and attitude significantly affects those who work for us and with us.    We, as leaders, have the power to motivate and inspire especially in the face of difficult politics, situations, and people.  Remember that it’s a choice we make everyday, so choose wisely for yourself and for the sake of others.

I am thankful to Brendan who chooses to show up fully energized, happy, and excited regardless of how sluggish and sleepy all of us looked at the beginning of class.   He wasn’t at all phased by our initial energy and soon enough his energy and attitude towards the class lifted us all.

Your comments:  Can you tell a difference in your day when you change the energy and attitude you bring to work? I look forward to your questions and comments

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