How to Increase Your Happiness – Let Go of the Outcome

As an overachiever for many years, I used to only have conditional happiness.   “I will be happy when x, y, z happens”    Sound familiar?   It’s the most detrimental line of thinking and one that had fleeting happiness.   It was my husband that helped me realize that I can decouple my happiness from my achievements or things that happen outside my control.

This is however easier said than done.  I have been conditioned for 20+ years to only be happy when I have achieved something.   Finally, I found a way to convert this thinking daily and I want to share it with you.

90 Second Headspace Meditation

I started meditated more regularly last year.   One of the app I love to use is Headspace.    In additional to relevant meditation series like stress management, sleep, self-compassion, etc, Andy Puddicomb, CEO of headspace, has a 10 min daily meditation that I listen to a lot.

One day last week, the daily meditation happens to be very relevant to this topic on happiness – Increase my happiness by focusing on the journey and by letting go of the outcome.  This is the first 90 seconds of it.

How this is Helping Me be Happier

I have been listening this audio often whenever I found myself thinking in my old patterns.   I love how calming Andy’s voice is and also how he can share much wisdom in just 90 seconds.  The rest 8.5 min, not shared here,  is a standard meditation to focus on my breath vs getting lost in my thoughts.

Have I completely changed my old pattern of thinking?   No.  That will take some time.  However, just having this reminder that I can listen to anytime helps me center.

Lots is going on in my work and life that are not ideal right now.   But just in this moment on a gray afternoon on Saturday.  I am happy just to be alive.

A Chance to be Grateful

Whenever I listen to this recording, I am also reminded to be grateful for all the things I have.  I may not have yet achieved what I want at work, but I am opening different paths to that.   I may not be at my ideal weight yet, but I am enjoying my swims as well as my dance and pilates classes.   We may not yet be able to retire in Lisbon, but it’s so fun to hear of our friends’ adventures there and their sabbatical plans.

I am thankful for

  • My health and the health of my parents, kids, and hubby.
  • A busy life full of soccer, laughter, movie nights and wii games.
  • Friends near and far that I can text and speak with on all kinds of topics
  • All the opportunities I have in life and in work – so much still to learn and explore.

I have now many reasons to be happy right now!  So do you?  What are you grateful for right now?   I bet you can list many things as well.

Your comments: Are you happy today?  If not, can you find a way to change that after listening to the recording and listing out at least 4 things you are grateful for?   I look forward to your comments

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Be Happy today!  Life is short and fleeting.  You can CHOOSE to be happy no matter what is happening.   I am always in your corner. 


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