Last week, I was really stressed. Lots going on at work.
- I had too much work and not enough resources.
- Senior leaders seem to be changing decisions without knowing all the facts.
- I can just feel the politics between some of the senior folks.
It took me an hour to write a simple email to a new colleague because I was worried about how it would come across. I was also frustrated that I had to “dance” so much around the politics that doesn’t seem to be resolving itself anytime soon.
I Was Saved by a Close Colleague

Thankfully, I had my weekly connect with Alex. Our weekly has been therapeutic for both of us. We can be honest about all of our work frustrations. We also help each other figure out how to recover faster and be happier amidst many situations where we had little control.
Last week, he really helped me de-stress. He said try asking yourself the 10/10/10 question – Will what I am worried about matter in 10 days, 10 months, 10 years? I paused for a full minute thinking about it and then smiled. He was absolutely right. Many things I was concerned about won’t matter in 10 years nor in 10 months. Some will be completely forgotten even in 10 days.
A Simple Question to Reset Your Perspective
Sometimes we worry about the smallest things that really won’t matter in 10 days, 10 months, or 10 years. I need to figure out what I really care about and also what is in my power to influence. I left the meeting smiling and rejuvenated. After that, I was able to relook at all the things that was stressing me with a new lens and take a set of productive actions.
- Too much work – What I really needed to do was share that I have too much on my plate and ask my manager to either allow me to hire or prioritize. My manager immediately shared that he can take one thing off of my plate and will recommend another direct of his to take on that work, so I can focus on the new items that just came in.
- Senior decisions outside my control – I just need to let it be until it really impacts me. Right now, I was just worried that it might. Who knows. 9 months from now, when it might impact me, I may have already moved on to a new job adventure 🙂
- Politics – I cannot control how others behave. I can only control what I do. What I need to do here is be authentic and also focus on what’s best for our customers and our business. If I keep doing that and folks still want to flex politics, it’s their problem and not mine.

Your comments: Can this 10/10/10 question help you de-stress? Do you have a trusted co-worker who can help you deal with some of the farce of work? I look forward to your comments
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