How to Use ChatGPT to Feel Good About Yourself

chatgptHave you played around with ChatGPT yet?  I started last November when I first heard about it.    Hubby is now using it practically everyday.  I am still more of a novice.

  • I have used it to help me write a few birthday poems.  All I had to do was put in a few details about my friend and then I ask for it to make up a happy birthday poem.  It’s quite brilliant and fast.
  • I have tried to use it to find travel ideas and deals.  So far, that’s not been too impressive.  There is much more room for innovation there.
  • I have asked chatgpt to re-write my executive summary on my resume.  It gave me a few alternatives but none that I liked as much as my current one but it was cool to just see what it can come up with.

If you haven’t tried using ChatGPT yet, I recommend just trying it out.  It’s not always helpful but still amazing tech.

How Can ChatGPT Make You Feel Good About Yourself

One of the cool things I just experienced with ChatGPT was using it during a Zoom learning session.  I just joined CHIEF, a women’s executive network and went to a virtual learning session called “What’s Next – Charting the Great Escape.”   I may not be at retirement age yet, but it’s not too early to rethink about my next steps.  I am afterall already 51. Yikes!  Still cannot believe it.

During the session, they asked us to write down responses to some questions and then asked us to use ChatGPT to rewrite it for us. The output was quick and right on point.   I don’t know about you.  I have a hard time appreciating myself.   I tend to write down things and then immediately think what I wrote is either silly or not that impressive.   Well, ChatGPT made me think otherwise.   Once I saw how it rewrote my words, I appreciated me more :-).  Let me show you an example.

What I Wrote About Myself

The first set of questions they asked us to write down without judgment was what is my significant impact on people?  Why do I think it matters to me?  Here is what I wrote down in 5 minutes.

I love coaching and mentoring people about soft skills and product management skills.  Seeing others who are achievers  and learners blossom with my help is priceless and gives me much satisfaction. I also feel like I am imparting wisdom from my own success and failures in a productive way

I love organizing events for friends and family, taking care of each needs and preferences and seeing it all come together. It is a lot of work but it’s fun once in awhile.

I love to dance and performing dance.  it makes me feel young, powerful and pure joy.  It makes others smile as well.

What ChatGPT Wrote for Me

Then the facilitators asked us to put a prompt in ChatGPT that says “Write a 300 word bio using this content” and just paste the above content.  Here is what ChatGPT came up with it in less than a minute.

Absolutely! Let’s put that into a 300-word bio:

Meet a mentor, a maven of management, and a passionate performer at heart who thrives on enriching the lives of others. This compassionate coach, dedicated to imparting valuable soft skills and product management expertise, delights in witnessing the blossoming of achievers and learners under her guidance. Drawing from a wellspring of personal experiences, both successful endeavors and lessons learned from failures, she seamlessly weaves wisdom into every training session.

But there’s more to her than just an inspiring mentor. Offstage from her professional life, she plays the role of an impeccable event organizer. She has an undeniable talent for creating memorable experiences for friends and family, meticulously curating events that reflect the unique preferences of each guest. This can be quite an undertaking, but the joy of seeing everything fall into place outweighs the effort involved. For her, it’s all about creating those perfect moments that leave a lasting impression.

But wait, there’s yet another layer to this multifaceted personality – a passion for dance. Whether it’s a graceful pirouette or a powerful stomp, she express herself best when in motion. Dancing is not just a hobby for her, but a source of empowerment, a fountain of youth, and an elixir of joy. It’s not just about her own happiness either – her performances radiates positivity, bringing smiles to the faces of everyone in the audience.

In every role she plays, whether it’s as a mentor, an event organizer, or a dancer, her innate ability to create positive and impactful experiences is what truly sets her apart. Her story is a testament to the power of passion, dedication, and the joy of giving back.

Well, what do you think?  I was impressed with ChatGPT and a bit with myself 🙂

I Recommend You Try It – Do Something Different

feel good about yourselfStart perhaps with the question above like I did and just write whatever comes to mind and then put it in ChatGPT with the prompt I used above.   It’s fun and quite uplifting.  You can also trying answering other questions like

  • What am I grateful for in my life?
  • What things brings me the most joy?
  • What am I good at and why?

You get my point.   If you are feeling down or a bit low, perhaps a ChatGPT response to your own thinking can lift your spirits.  If nothing else, it’s fun.   Also remember to use them to write the most original birthday poems for your friends and loved one.  They will think you are a genius ;-).   I of course always disclose it was written by ChatGPT.

How to Start Using ChatGPT

If you have never tried using ChatGPT, it’s easy to start.    Just go to and sign up with your Gmail account.  It’s free if you want to start with ChatGPT3.5 or you can pay $20 a month to try the more powerful ChatGPT 4.  This latter one lets you play with multiply plugins they are testing plus allows you to upload text or excel files and it can help you summarize or analyze the data.   Of course, make sure you don’t share anything confidential.

Note: many companies have banned the access to ChatGPT from work computers.  If you are going to try it, use your personal computer and only upload data you are okay to share.

Have Fun!

Your comments:  Have you tried ChatGPT? What do you think of it?  I look forward to your comments

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Maple Leaf
9 months ago

What a great practical blog post, btw this comment was written by a human 🙂

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