5 Leadership Lessons from SF Giants

Congratulations to the San Francisco Giants for winning the World Series 2012!!  Today, 1 million fans get together in our great city of San Francisco to celebrate the Giants momentous win.

My husband is a huge Giants baseball fan for the last 30 + years and by association, our entire family are big fans as well.   The odds were stacked against the Giants throughout the playoffs, but they persevered.  Why?  Great leadership and teamwork!! ...  read more

Cover Letter Help – 9 Tips

When sending job search applications, two things are critical in making a good first impression to get that coveted interview invite: your résumé and your cover letter.  Usually the recruiter or hiring manager will scan and decide in less than one minute whether you may be a good candidate for the job.    So how you write your resume and cover letter are essential.  Here are 9 cover letter help tips that anyone can follow. ...  read more

5 Resume Tips You May Overlook

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Differentiate or Die” which was the title of a bestselling book. That phrase not only applies to promoting products and services, but also to promoting yourself. In today’s competitive job market your resume is very likely going to end up in a large pile of resumes of other qualified people that are showing very similar education and experience. Keep this in mind when you build a resume. ...  read more

Career Development – 10 Tips Everyone Should Follow

Whether you have a job or are looking for one, these 10 career development tips can be helpful to your career.  While some of these tips may be quite basic, they are important reminders to us all on how to keep ourselves competitive in the job market.  This is a guest post.

Career development isn’t hard, it just takes some careful planning. Follow these ten tips to boost your career development efforts. ...  read more

FInd Entry Level Jobs – Using 5 Twitter Accounts

This is a guest post.

If you’re a recent graduate, you’ve probably noticed that the odds of finding a great job are stacked against you.  The economy has improved since its collapse in 2008, but landing an entry-level job is still far from easy.  If you hope to land your dream job you’re going to have to use every tool in the job seeker’s arsenal, including social media. ...  read more