How to Sell Your Skills Into a New Industry or Role

In any job search, it is your job to sell your skills and convince prospective employers that you are the best fit for a job opening.   Being able to sell you skills in any job search situation is important.  It is even more critical to master this skills if you are trying to do a career change – move into a new industry or functional role.

This podcast is a live coaching discussion with a job seeker who is trying to make a career change.   While I helped her with her specific situation, the podcast goes into detail about the process of how to sell your skills into any new industry or role.  This includes

  1. How to read the job opening description and understand what the employer is looking for – identify 6 skills they are look for.
  2. How to tailor your resume and cover letter to best convey your qualification for this role – build your resume and cover letter around which of the six skills you identify in their description you have.  How to think about your skills in a new way in a new role – dare to market yourself boldly without lying
  3. How to prepare for your interview and address difficult questions confidently – If you don’t believe you are qualified deep down, the prospective employer won’t either.  So make sure you can sell your skills to yourself first.
To see a specific example of how this process works, download the job opening (ProjectManagerRole) we discussed during this call so you can follow how I used this process to help her apply for a Project Manager role.

Podcast – How to Sell Your Skills Into a New Industry or Role

You can also find this podcast on iTunes – Just search in Podcast under Lei Han or Job Hunting Tips.  Good luck in your job search.

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Your comment:  Did the process I described help you rethink how you write your resume and cover letter?  Share your comments below.  I am always in your corner.


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Written in Europe
13 years ago

Did you hear that sentence from Lei Han “I read it a little bit differently and we could both be right, so let me just share a bit of what I read from here?”

There are numerous examples of this kind showing how she led the conversation.

My estimate of Lei Han is that behind these examples there is a treasure chest of communication skills and real-life experience. It is good that she is genuine at the same time.

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