Do You Need an MBA to Succeed?

I will give you a consultant answer – it depends.  But I won’t stop there.  I think too many people get an MBA or a Master’s degree for the wrong reasons and after they finish school, they are disappointed with the fact it didn’t yield the results they hoped. Don’t make this costly mistake.  Do these four research…  ...  read more

How to Have a Career Discussion with My Manager?

To be successful, you not only need to be able to work smart and be recognized for it, you also need other skills to help guide you in your career progression.  One of these skills is the ability to discuss your career plan with your boss without seeming like you are complaining about your position,…  ...  read more

Do Women suffer Disadvantages in Business?

This is a very popular topic for discussion in this day and age. A good friend forwarded me an article this week that prompted me to want to write this post. The article is called Salary, Gender and the Social Cost of Haggling It included a lot of great quantitative data on this subject, if…


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