Inspiration for the New Year

Welcome to 2011!   I wanted to share with you a piece of paper I have had on my fridge for the last 5 years.  It’s an interview by Oprah of Maya Angelou on her 70+ birthday.  This interview happened a decade ago but Maya Angelou’s words seem timeless.  In case you have not read it,  I hope you find as much inspiration and perspective from it as I do. ...  read more

Believe in Yourself – You are “Beautiful”

This post is not about external appearances.  This post is inspired by a recent show I saw onVH1 called Storytellers: Christina Aguilera.  It’s in a format where a music artist sings to a small group, and talks to the group about herself, her music, and her inspirations.  Christina’s story about her song “Beautiful” really caught my attention. ...  read more

Decide to Have a Good Day

The last few weeks have been stressful.  I have been juggling five projects/initiatives at the same time on a 32 hours a week schedule. Unexpected project issues are coming up left and right; requirements are misunderstood; customer experience risks are newly uncovered, etc…

The end result is I have been taking my stress home after work.  Thinking about issues in the shower and waking up with solutions to yet another unexpected problem.  My daughter runs to greet me in the morning and sometimes I feel half there because I am already planning in my head how to tackle the day.  Some days I don’t even feel like going to work.  Does any of this sound familiar? ...  read more

Definition of Success

I was taught the definition of success in business school.  We just finished 4 weeks of pre-term (refresher courses on math, accounting etc..) before my official 1st year at Wharton began.  My accounting professor used most of the time in our last class to give us a lecture on success and what it means. ...  read more

Enjoy Often and Never Retire

Growing up, you always hear that everyone’s dream is to work hard, earn lots of money quickly and retire as early as possible  (maybe at 65, 55 or 45 if you can wing it).  Well, I say forget it!  That doesn’t sound like a dream at all. 

Imagine working your butt off at 80 -100 hour weeks for 20-40 years so you can retire early.  In the meantime, you may delay time to enjoy life; you may skip precious family time and vacations; you may delay time to find someone special; you may work your body to death.  And for what?  So you can enjoy yourself after you retire, with probably a series of health issues and nothing to do.   ...  read more

Job search advice from Tony Robbins

I don’t know if you caught this interview or not on Larry King Live on Dec 3, 2009.  Tony Robbins along with Magic Johnson and others sits down with Larry King to provide some very sound job search advice for this tough market

Here is a summary of Tony’s key points that hopefully can help you be practical,  re-energize your efforts in the new year, and take massive actions ...  read more