How to Make a Change in Yourself at Work

We have been talking a lot about the different soft skills we need to accelerate our career success, including self-management skills, which are needed to build inner excellence (like patience, persistence, confidence), and people skills (like communication skills, managing people skills, etc.).  Well, one thing is common between all of these topics: in order to master any of these skills, we need to make changes in our behaviors at work. ...  read more

3 Rules of Work by Albert Einstein

albert einstein

Albert Einstein once said,

“Three rules of work:

  1. Out of clutter find simplicity;
  2. From discord find harmony; 
  3. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”   

My husband shared this quote with me this morning.  While it seems so simple, there is so much wisdom in it.  Here is what each rule means to me:

Rule #1: Out of clutter find simplicity
This quote reminds me of my volunteer experience with Dr. Pete at his Zone Healing Center.  I have volunteered there for 4 years now as his office manager, working only 1-2 hour per week. ...  read more

How to Deal with Other’s Incompetence – 5 Tips

work incompetence

I work on multiple initiatives simultaneously at my current job.  Some of them are long term, big projects, and some of them are smaller projects under one big program.  Two of these smaller projects have given me serious headaches and stress in the past few days.

Why?  Because the key people I work with on these two projects: ...  read more

Inner Excellence and Career Success

inner excellence

I just returned to work 3 months ago after having a second baby.  While I haven’t been away from work too long, I was surprised to find myself insecure – Do I still know how to work? Are my analytical, leadership, and communication skills up to par? Can I still deal with difficult personalities and office politics?  Ultimately, am I still as good as I used to be? ...  read more

Ditch Your Traditional New Year’s Resolutions

Typically, right after Jan 1, we start saying resolutions for the New Year,

  • Lose 20 pounds
  • Get promoted by June
  • Find a better, more satisfying jobs
  • Get a 25% raise
  • Buy a house

If these sound like the resolutions you are making this year, I challenge you to throw them out!  Why?  We can be so result oriented that sometimes it keeps us from simply experiencing life.  Is life about results or is life about experiences?  Result-oriented resolutions have three major downsides ...  read more