Managing Upwards – Always Take Care of Your “Monkeys”

In a separate article, I talked about a famous Harvard Business Review (HBR) article,  “Who’s Got the Monkey?”, and why an effective manager must let his team take care of the “Monkeys” (problems discovered during their work).  Today, I want to shift focus and talk about tips for the team members — How can you excel as…  ...  read more

How to Break into a Managerial Role – Part 2

Previously, we discussed the first part of this real life situation that Jessica is experiencing.  Today, we will finish this topic on how to break into a managerial role with a follow up discussion I had with Jessica a few weeks later.  Here is her follow up email updating me on her situation and some…  ...  read more

#3 Most Common Mistake People Make at Work

Perhaps you have heard the phrase, “Don’t assume, because it makes an ‘ass’ out of ‘u’ and ‘me.'” While it seems tongue and cheek, it’s very good advice. It’s amazing how we can understand this concept in theory, yet still make unwarranted assumptions at work. I think this happens mostly because we don’t even realize…  ...  read more