Managing Upwards – 8 Tactics for Managing Your Boss

Managing upwards is a skill that you won’t find in any job description, but it is core to your job if you want to do well. What is managing upwards, anyway? Well, managing upwards is mostly about how to manage your boss.  To manage upwards effectively, you must take repeated actions to proactively manage your relationship…  ...  read more

How to Deal with a Bad Boss – 5 Practical Tips

Bosses are not created equal, therefore it is essential to your success to know how to deal with a bad boss, when you encounter one.   One of the main reasons why you would want to leave a lucrative job reluctantly is having a bad boss.   Though the movie ‘Horrible Bosses’ may be fictional,…  ...  read more

Self Promotion Ideas

In a previous post I wrote "Hard Work Does Not Guarantee Success." I still believe it but it begs the question - Then what else do you need to do to guarantee success? One answer that many people would agree with is - self promotion - make sure important people (like your boss and their boss) know what a top performer you are. That's easier said then done. How to finesse self-promotion without coming off too boastful or self-centered is tricky.

How to Have a Career Discussion with My Manager?

To be successful, you not only need to be able to work smart and be recognized for it, you also need other skills to help guide you in your career progression.  One of these skills is the ability to discuss your career plan with your boss without seeming like you are complaining about your position,…  ...  read more

How to Communicate Bad News to Your Manager

I don't have to tell you that not everything at work is always smooth sailing. Sometime things are delayed, mistakes are made, wrong numbers are published. It may be your fault, it may be a bad circumstance, or a combination of both. What do you say when your boss wants a progress report and things are not going so well?