How to be Successful at Work – 3 Questions Answered

The most frequently asked question I receive from readers is some version of how to be successful at work or in my career.   Below is the latest question I received in this category.   Ying, a Chinese immigrant working in the US used the Ask Me Anything tool inside the Soft Skills Gym to send me the following questions.   I want to share my response to also help others in similar situations. ...  read more

How to Prepare for a Graduate School Interview – 4 Tips

how to prepare for a graduate school interview

Learning tips early on how to prepare for a graduate school interview will give you an advantage.  Applying to graduate school is a stressful and busy process. From choosing the programs you’re interested in to polishing your resume, securing references, and writing essays, there’s just a great deal to keep track of. But in the whole process, one of the trickiest steps is going through interviews with admissions officers. ...  read more

Paris Terrorist Attack Puts Life in Perspective

paris terrorist attack puts life in perspective

It was our team’s assistant who told me about the Paris terrorist attack on Friday afternoon.   Right before, I was busy updating a presentation and worrying about something I don’t even remember now.  I quickly halted both to follow what was going on in Paris and contacted our neighbor to find out if his daughter and son are okay in Paris.  I have yet to hear back. ...  read more

Should We Teach Soft Skills to Teenagers?

teach soft skills to teenagers

Should we teach soft skills to middle school and high school students?  If so, how should we do it?  These are questions that have gained more interest in recent years.    A grad student just reached out to me on this topic with the following questions.  I am sharing my response in case you have kids or are in the teaching profession.  I look forward to your comments and thoughts. ...  read more

How to Get a Promotion – Top 5 Questions Answered

how to get a promotion

Even since I launched the first group coaching call on Insider Tips to Getting Promoted, I am pleased to received many great questions by email related to how to get a promotion at work.   Here are the top 5 most common questions and my perspective.  Overall, you will see a theme.  Besides being a good at your job, you need to have great soft skills such as managing upwards, leadership skills, skills to deal with office politics etc… in order to increase your chances for promotion. ...  read more

Good News – Some Stress is Good for You

dealing with stress

If you are feeling stressed at work, I may have good news.  Some stress is good for you!  According to research done by Elizabeth Kirby from UC Berkeley, we are actually not optimal or happy unless we have a moderate amount of stress in our life.

  1. Too little stress leads to boredom and even depression
  2. Too much stress leads to overwhelmed, feeling incapacitated and ultimately a meltdown

Many of us are familiar with the latter point and try our best to reduce stress.  This study is telling us however to have balance.   This explained a lot to me.   Prior to getting a full time job last year, I was working as a contractor for 6 years.   It was a great lifestyle but at times I was pretty bored.  I wondered during that time why I wasn’t happy.  I had everything I wanted, it seemed.  Now it all made sense.  I may have made enough money,and had all the flexibility to have a family, but I wasn’t challenged enough.  My brain was not happy. ...  read more

In a Tough Situation? 3 Pop Songs to Inspire You

inspirational songs

Do you ever notice that kids can learn pop songs overnight?   Luckily my kids are gravitating toward the inspirational ones rather than the racy ones.  They have been singing 3 songs on the top of their lungs for the last few months.  Coincidentally, these 3 songs are exactly what I needed to hear. ...  read more