Communicating Emotions at Work – 3 Tips

emotion communication

When my kids were in daycare, they were gently cared for. They were nurtured. They had great snacks and long naps. And they were taught about communicating emotions.

I’ll never forget the first time I heard my daughter say, “Mommy, I don’t like that you said that. When you say that it makes me feel sad.” Really? Yeesh. But you know what? I quickly grew to love and appreciate this communication skill. My daughter was able to clearly express her feelings and I was then able to respond to meet her need. Of course, sometimes it was just to say, “I understand that you feel sad. You can have a cookie AFTER dinner.” ...  read more

Best Secret to Finding Your Dream Job


Do you want to find any job or your dream job?  The focus of this post and podcast is for all those who want the latter – a dream job!  Finding any job requires many of the same things – a great resume, good interview and networking skills, and a relentless effort to keep applying.  However, there is one difference in finding a dream job – a secret shared by Jane Lin, our newest Executive Author to the Soft Skills Gym...  read more

Say Yes – When You Usually Say No

I know it’s well into the New Year, but I am still pondering what to do differently this year to take my life to the next level.  Here is one idea I am implementing – Say Yes, when I usually say no.

I am realizing, if I want to grow in life and at work.

  • I need to go outside of my comfort zone
  • I need to do things differently than I usually do.
  • I need to take new chances and learn from new experiences

Why?  Because the definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”   Even with that understanding, many of us have a harder and harder time saying yes to new experiences.   We have so many bad concepts in our head like ...  read more

What Kind of “Sugar” Can You Contribute?

I can’t stop watching this video.  It just make me feel so good about life and people.  My husband showed it to us a few weeks ago.  Now my kids and I watch it almost every day and dance to it in pure joy.

So why am I share this on my career blog?  Well, it made think about the true meaning of success and a challenge for all of you. ...  read more

Who Would You Rather Be – Elsa or Anna?

Lei:  I am excited to introduce a new Executive Author to our Soft Skills Gym – Cindy Wong-Zarahn.  I only met Cindy last year but feel like we have been old friends for years.  She has close to 20 years of experience in the corporate world with plenty of battle scars as well as very sage advice.  I already personally benefited from her advice for my own career. Click here to read her bio and why she wants to join our community.  You can also follow Cindy on twitter @CZarahn    ...  read more

Lei’s New Year Aspiration – Enjoy Life


Happy New Year everyone!  Hope you all had a great holiday or at least one that was better than mine.   I can’t believe it’s 2015.  Usually I love holidays as it gives me time to relax, regroup, and faced the new year with renewed energy.  I didn’t have such luck this holiday season.  Work was super stressful and I didn’t have as much time with the family as I would have liked. ...  read more

I Almost Forgot to Enjoy the Holidays

happy holidays 2014

Wow, it’s already Christmas week and I barely had any time to enjoy it.  I have been rushing around for the last few weeks – so much to do and so little time.  Do you know the feeling?  Well, I am realizing it’s self-imposed.  I want to do everything and fit it all in.  In the meantime, I am forgetting to enjoy any of it. ...  read more