Career Break – How Long Can You Take?

Can you take a career break – time off from work to do other things like travel or be a full time mom?  If so, how long can you safely take a career break if you want to come back to work afterwards.  These are popular questions among new mothers with young children as well as from anyone who…  ...  read more

M.A.P. to Career Success

As I look back on my career, I have noticed a pattern to my success — every time I achieved something, three components were in play: Mindset, Action, and Perseverance – more easily remembered as a M.A.P.. In this article, I’m going to explain what each part involves, along with some examples of each. I hope this framework…  ...  read more

Forgive and Forget – Key to Career Success

I had a real scare yesterday. My 3 year old daughter, Isabel, lost her balance and fell from an 8-feet-high rope ladder, head first. I screamed, and although I was a few steps away, I couldn’t reach her in time. She hit the dirt on the side of her head and right cheek. Luckily, her…


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Resilience – Fall Seven Times, Stand up Eight

A good friend of mine (thanks Jamie) forwarded this video to me, and I thought it would be fitting to share it here. More than half of the battle in a job search is actually the emotional aspect — thinking positive, staying in action, and “standing up” when you feel “knocked down” by the lack…  ...  read more