Good News – Some Stress is Good for You

If you are feeling stressed at work, I may have good news. Some stress is good for you! According to research done by Elizabeth Kirby from UC Berkeley, we are actually not optimal or happy unless we have a moderate amount of stress in our life.
- Too little stress leads to boredom and even depression
- Too much stress leads to overwhelmed, feeling incapacitated and ultimately a meltdown
Many of us are familiar with the latter point and try our best to reduce stress. This study is telling us however to have balance. This explained a lot to me. Prior to getting a full time job last year, I was working as a contractor for 6 years. It was a great lifestyle but at times I was pretty bored. I wondered during that time why I wasn’t happy. I had everything I wanted, it seemed. Now it all made sense. I may have made enough money,and had all the flexibility to have a family, but I wasn’t challenged enough. My brain was not happy. ...