Just because you are going on maternity leave, doesn’t mean you are okay to be forgotten related to your accomplishments for the year. It is still important for you to remind others what you have done prior to leaving. It is also possible for you to do this even when the important project you are leading won’t be finished yet. But how do you do it tactfully?
One of the member asked exactly that question. Here are some additional details of her questions and my advice. Hope they can help you too in this very exciting time of your life.
What would you like to ask me?

I’m about to go on maternity leave April 1, for about 6 months. I have been on a new product launch project for 2 years. The project is supposed to go live in Jan 2020. However, due to delays not controlled by us, now we’re looking at April/May when I’m already out.
I’ve invested tons of hard work, and contributed tremendously to this project in many regards. My managers are aware of it and it’s reflected in my year end reviews. But how do I make sure people don’t forget about that when I’m not here…? Any tips on socializing this, or self promoting it before I go out?
What do you think you should do? What options have you considered?
- I thought about seeking opportunities to share out my work with the larger team.
- Prepare a list of key accomplishments I could bring up via 1:1 meeting with people outside my immediate team.

First of all, congrats on your pregnancy. How exciting and enjoy it. I like your motivations and thinking behind this but I don’t think you need to do as much as you think especially before you leave.
Here a few things to do to self promote without bragging.
- Set up meeting with stakeholders to share your transition plan for effort. This way it’s less about your accomplishments and more about making sure project launch successfully while you are away and has right coverage. By doing this you naturally are seen as the lead for this up to this point.
- Send a thank you message to folks who contributed to the success of this effort so far. Think about your effort and whether there is a good reason to do this prior to your leave. If you do, then do that and this way people remember you as the leader. ;-). Consider copying their managers if it includes folks outside your team.
- After you come back, you can also do a retrospective to see how it went if it makes sense and it’s not too long since launch? This way people can tell you what went well and what can be improved
- Also after you come back and after it launches, add it to your Linked in as an accomplishment and remember to list it as an accomplishment in this year end’s self-evaluation when you come back from maternity leave.
I think these may be better ways to self promote than your initial ideas. If you haven’t already, go to the self promotion session of my blog and read additional tips there. Enjoy motherhood!
Reply from the member – Hi Lei, thank you and fantastic advice! I recall reading about the 2nd suggestion in your self-promotion article. It’s such a brilliant idea. I have a key milestone coming up in late Feb, which will be an optimal timing for this. Same goes for the transition plan – will use it as a reminder of my efforts to this point. Thanks again for the reply.
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Your comments: Do you have an inner voice that tells you that you are not enough? Do you where it comes from and how to ignore it? I look forward to hearing from you.
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