Last weekend, I opened my Audible to decide what to listen to for a long walk. I forgot I bought the “5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins” a few months back. I don’t even remember why I bought it. I figured I would listen to the first chapter and see if it grabs me.

I have been listening to this book since last Sunday and am now on Chapter 8. It’s a must read (or must listen :-)) for anyone that want to transform their work or life. She shares her own gut-wrenching story of defeat, frustration, and shame in her work and personal life and how she accidentally discovered the “5 second rule” that forever changed her life. Her book and her ted talk “How to stop screwing yourself over” is now transforming the lives of millions around the world.
4 Reasons You Need to Get this Book Today
I am not affiliated with this book. This is a pure recommendation to help you take action on anything you want to change NOW.
Reason 1: If there is something you really want to improve, but you still haven’t take action yet after months of knowing what you should do, this book will help you take that action.
Reason 2: If you have been stuck in a negative pattern of thinking and routine, this book can help you get out of that rut.
Reason 3: If you are waiting to be inspired or motivated to make a change, don’t wait. Get this book instead. It will inspire you!
Reason 4: The eBook is free on Hoopla 🙂
5 Lessons I learned from the “5 second rule”
Lesson 1: I now understand why I may love the tips of something I read yet I don’t take any action. I wait for the right moment, wait to be inspired, wait to be more prepared. The book taught me how the “5 second rule” creates the moment and the inspiration to take action NOW without having to be prepared.
Lesson 2: It take our brain < 5 seconds to kill any new ideas we may want to try – leading to no action.
Lesson 3: When we want to take action, we often ask ourselves “should I?” What we are really asking ourselves is “Do I feel like doing this now?” When we ask ourselves that, then the answer is almost always no! We make daily decision based on our feelings vs what may be good for us.

Lesson 4: “You cannot control how you feel but you can always choose how you act!” – this is how counting down with “5, 4, 3, 2, 1” and then do something, anything. I must IGNORE how I feel and like Nike say “just do it.” It took Lin-Manuel Maranda six years to write the hit show “Hamilton” – because he struggled with self doubt all throughout those six years. He had to IGNORE his feeling and just finish.
Lesson 5: Many of us share the same self-doubt and bad habit that limit who we are. What will change that is taking action. And the counting down of “5, 4, 3, 2, 1” interrupts all that negative self-talk and focus on the action we will take at the end of that countdown. Action is what leads to inspiration. Action is what leads to learning. Action is what will create the moment of opportunity. Taking action daily in spite of self-doubt, feelings, and fear is courage. We all have it and this book helps you figure out how to tap into it.
Get the book or the summary
Yes the summary is free on Hoopla as an audiobook. I don’t know if it’s as good as I love the stories in the full version. Just take the action and then go practice your first “five second rule” this week!
I actually didn’t feel like writing this post this week. I have the week off with my kids. I wasn’t sure if this article would come across like a sales article even though I don’t get anything for recommending it. I just said to myself “5, 4,3, 2, 1” and just start writing. I hope you enjoy the book and its practical tips as much as I did.
You can do anything if you take action toward your goal! They don’t have to be big. They just have to be a step toward your goal. Use this “five second rule” to take the action you already know you should take. You will be amazed at the results.
Your comments: I would love to hear how you like the book and whether it helped you take action. Please add your comments and questions below
Your comments: Do you have an inner voice that tells you that you are not enough? Do you where it comes from and how to ignore it? I look forward to hearing from you.
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Thanks Linda for sending these additional short videos from Mel Robbins about what you should do in meetings. Very practical – you should all try today at work.