Do you know how to motivate yourself to network when you don’t need a new job? Do you know why you should network? Do you know what does it mean to network for your career? Do you know how to network with inside and outside your company? Do you how to network with senior leaders? If you have any of these questions, then this 35 min recorded coaching call will help you.
I had the pleasure of leading our first monthly coaching call this year. It was great to have a small setting for a coaching call. We had about 8 people total. I loved it that everyone jumped in to ask questions or make comments based on what they heard. I loved it that I was able to record it and share it with all my Soft Skills Members.
We had time to discuss two topics in this first coaching call of the year
- Why, What, and How to Network for Your Career – 35 min
- How to Manage and Deliver with Limited Resources – 15 min
Below are some of the questions from our members which prompted us to talk about how to best network for your career. We addressed all these questions in our group coaching call.
- How to develop a plan to network when you don’t need it at the moment? Like some people, I find myself extremely motivated to reach out when I’m looking for a new job, but things are sailing smoothly at work, I seem to lack the motivation or the goal to start networking. However, I know networking is more effective when one doesn’t need it at the moment.
- How to interact with senior leaders who you don’t know very well, but is given a chance to interact with them?I find myself struggling to strike up a conversation with senior leaders who I don’t know well, or never worked together. For example, I had the opportunity to go on a trip with some senior managers, directors and CMOs to San Francisco last year. It would have been a great opportunity to network with them. However, I could’t find lots of common topics to initiate a conversation
- What are the common goals of networking, other than finding a new job, finding out more information about a new industry/company?I find my networking more effective when I have a clear goal. But how should I network if I don’t have a clear objective in mind?
- How to keep in touch regularly with your network? Looking for tips to stay in touch with your network. How often should I reach out to them and what should I reach out with?
- How do I network with people outside my company? How do I effectively network with people outside of the company? Sometimes I tried to reach out via LinkedIn. Naturally I get more responses we have a shared connection (know the same person, or college alumni). How can I boost my success rate of getting a response? Also, I live and work in suburb area so don’t have a convenient way to go to networking events. How could I network in person in this situation?
Our next coaching call is this Thursday.
If you are already a Soft Skills Member, you can find all the coaching call details here for this Thursday. If you haven’t signed up yet, sign up today to get access to all the past coaching call recordings plus all the monthly calls going forward.
Your comments: let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to talking to you inside our Soft Skills Gym.
Your comments: Do you have an inner voice that tells you that you are not enough? Do you where it comes from and how to ignore it? I look forward to hearing from you.
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