The Gift of Covid was More than I Expected – Five Unexpected Gifts

Am I being sarcastic?  Partly.  While there were definitely aspects of Covid that has been a huge pain to my family, there were truly also unexpected gifts.   Covid finally visited our household about 3 weeks ago.  First my husband and nanny got it and were quarantined and then a week later, my older daughter and I got it and switched places with them.

Where did we get it?  Does it matter? Covid is pretty much everywhere it seems.  Two of my team members also have it in their household.  Since it was inevitable, I rather look at the situation on the bright side.  Life is always about perspective.  

Are we over it?  Not yet!  While we all got mild symptoms so far, it’s like the longest cold I have ever had.  We are lucky we got it in batches so we were able to alternate quarantine in pairs in our 3 bedroom 2 bath apartment.    So what are the five gifts from my Covid situation?

Gift 1: Gift of Perspective

Work right before our household got Covid was super stressful. We had a major reorganization and everything was up in the air, including who my boss would be and what my future role will be.   I was losing sleep for like 2 weeks trying to figure out how to regain control of the situation.

Interestingly, once we got Covid, I gained perspective.

  • Whatever happens I have a job and good insurance just in case anything is needed for my family.
  • I don’t need to solve everything right now.   It’s about survive first and win later.  I realized I was fretting because mainly my ego was hurt with the reorg uncertainty.
  • Dealing with Covid at home gave me a chance to look above the rat race I am in at work and ask myself bigger question – What do I really want to do with the rest of my life?  and How does full time work fit into that?

I don’t have answers yet, however I am appreciating the fact that I am asking purposeful questions as I get older and hopefully wiser.

Gift 2: Gift of Gratitude

It’s easy to take things granted when I was so busy with daily life.  Covid changed all that and we had to figure out quickly how to manage in a crisis.  It very much made me appreciate my life more.

  1. I have missed hugging my kids and my husband and haven’t been able to in 8 days.  I can’t wait to just give each of them a nice long hug.
  2. We moved 18 months ago and now have a large outside patio that is connected to both quarantine rooms. We are very lucky to have access to the outside sun and air while we keep each other safe in quarantine.
  3. Working remote made balancing work and Covid a lot easier.  I reduced my work schedule but still got most of the essentials done.
  4. I am grateful for my usual good health and cannot wait to go back to running and dancing again

Gift 3: Gift of Rest

While the first week or so was very hectic for me taking care of the others with Covid and our kids, this week in quarantine has been rather nice.   Of course, I am tired and coughing a bit.  Otherwise, it’s been like a bed and breakfast.  My meals are delivered either via home cooking or Doordash since both nanny and hubby have recovered.   I don’t have to do anything at all for others.  I just need do a bit of work and take care of myself.

I have watched multiple seasons of “Downton Abbey”. 🙂  I have taken long bath and even took time to blow dry my hair a few times.  I also started reading a new book that caught my eye – The Pathless Path.  Just on chapter 2, so I can tell you about it when I am finished.

Gift 4: Gift of Simple Pleasures

Since Isabel, my older daughter, and I both have Covid, we are able to share the backyard and a few activities together outside.  Normally she, as a 14 year old,  is too busy with school, friends and soccer, to spend a lot of time with me.  Today, we had nothing else to distract us.

  • I painted her nails while we listened to her fun playlist.  I did my best and luckily she was easy to please.
  • She taught me a tiktok dance to the song “Woman” by Doja cat.  She is so good at it.  I am still trying to figure it out, but it was fun trying.  We did it in our pajamas in the backyard. 🙂
  • Lastly, we started watching “Queen’s Gambit” together while eating lunch, delivered by hubby.

We don’t need fancy gifts, clothes, or vacations to be happy.  This simple quality time with Isabel really made my day and hers.

Gift 5: Gift of Immunity

At least for the next 90 days, I think.  No one knows for sure.  Friends tell me once we get it, then we are somewhat immune for a few months. Even if we get it again, it won’t be as bad.   I certainly hope it is true.   This time it wasn’t awful, but it is uncomfortable and lingering.

We also no longer have to worry about our international travel this summer.   I have heard of many getting stuck for 2 weeks longer in Europe because they tested positive for Covid right before flying back.   As for us, apparently, we will likely test positive in the next 90 days as Covid will stay in our system for that long.  However the US will allow us to fly back as long as we have prove we had it and recovered just recently.

Isabel will be competing in Europe for soccer in July and this was such a worry that she or we may get stuck with Covid while we are out there.  I was just about to look into “Covid insurance.”  Now we don’t have to.   Getting Covid now has been a blessing in disguise.

At the end of day…

Many “bad” thing can happen to us at work or in our lives.   How we deal and react to these “bad” things when they come is what makes a difference between us living as victims, complainers and miserable to us living a “grateful” happy life despite occasional difficulties.   What choice will you make for yourself next time a “bad” thing happens to you?

Your comments: Is there a “bad” thing happening to you right now?   How can you make it a gift and opportunity for yourself?

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