The Most Detrimental Thought That We All Believe to Be True

Do you believe that your thoughts have power?  They have the power to either  inspire you to greatness or hinder/incapacitate you to a small life.

What is the Most Detrimental Thought We can Have?

We think of this thought weekly.  And worse of it, we believe it to be true.  In fact, everyone around us believe the same because society all around us perpetuate this lie.    The most detrimental thought we can have is these 5 little words.  “I will be happy when…” We all fill in the blank after these 5 little words

  • I will be happy when I ace this presentation
  • I will be happy when I get a better job/ boss, or less difficult colleague
  • I will be happy when I get into graduate school
  • I will be happy when I get promoted
  • I will be happy when I make this $$$ amount a year

The list of things we can come up with is endless.

Why Is It So Detrimental – Cannot be Happy Now

This thought does NOT allow us to be happy Now!  It’s always something in the future.   We are convincing ourselves that we couldn’t possibly be happy YET.  We are saying to ourselves that our happiness is completely dependent on one of three things or all three things

  • We can only be happy  AFTER we achieve a new goal in life or work
  • We can only be happy IF our circumstances changes for the “better”.
  • We can only be happy ONCE people around us change, in a way that is “better” for us.

Why Is It So Detrimental – Any Happiness We Achieve is Fleeting

What’s worse is when we do get whatever we said we needed to be happy, how LONG are we happy for?  an hour, a day, a week, a month?  and then what happens?  I will guarantee that we will get used to it and create a new thought on something else we need to do or change to be happy.

It’s a constant maze with no end.  We are forever driven by the need to reach the next “goal” in the maze and the number of milestones we reach is endless.

Why Is It So Detrimental – We Waste So Much Energy

The majority of our life is spent on the journey toward something.   This is normal.  What’s detrimental is when we choose any or all of the following

  • “Kick ourselves” along the way because we haven’t “gotten there yet.”
  • Complain constantly about life or work or people are imperfect.
  • Wishing things are different than what they are.

All these negative thoughts do not add value to our lives.  Instead they distract us from evolving faster and exploring life to the fullest.   If you want to achieve more out of life, you must get rid of this detrimental thoughts from your self-talk.

How Can We Get Rid of This Detrimental Thought?

Know you can CHOOSE to be happy right now.    This is easier said than done.  Start by replacing the detrimental thought with these below.

  • I can choose to be happy TODAY regardless of what’s happening in my work or life nor how others behave around me
  • I have everything I need ALREADY to be happy
  • Happiness can come from little things in life (e.g., fresh air, a nice cup of hot chocolate, clean laundry, a bath).
  • Life will just get better and better from here.

If life is a self-fulfilling prophecy of our thoughts, why not think amazing thoughts about ourselves and our lives?

For this New Year, Can You Choose to Be Happy regardless?

I cannot believe it’s already end of January. I know many of you have new year resolutions.  You have plans to change yourself for the better.   What I am asking of you is actually more difficult – LOVE yourself for who you already are.  When you love yourself as you are, your potential is limitless.

I hope in this new year, you can choose to be happy today, this minute as you read this article.    Happy to be alive, grateful to have certain comforts, and recognize just how much you have already accomplished in life.    When you have this  perspective, you will be even more powerful in what you can become next.

Your Comments: What is stopping you from being happy now?  Can you change your perspective and allow yourself to be happy?  I look forward to your comments

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Best wishes to your happiness! I am always in your corner.


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