List of the Most Important Communication Skills

List of the most important communication skills

In an increasingly digital world, good communications practices both in-person and online are more important than ever before.

Good communication can help you avoid potential issues, reach your goals and enhance your reputation both personally and professionally.  However, mastering this type of proactive, effective communication requires a very specific skill set.  This skill set is comprised primarily of “soft” skills (skills that are less tangible than “hard” skills like math and science skills) ...  read more

List of 10 Leadership Skills Needed for the Workplace

list of leadership skills

How does Larry Page (Google), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Tim Cook (Apple) and Mark Parker (Nike) have continued success in their industries and are still loved by their employees?  It’s not because they’re just intelligent and business-savvy, but they also have the soft skills that separate them from the pack. In other words, they’re great leaders through and through. ...  read more

5 Stress Management Techniques for Successful Executives

stress management techniques

Stress can be a killer to your self confidence and productivity.   Even the most accomplished executives must learn how to manage stress in order to be effective all the time.    When you are not stressed, you can be at the top of the game.   However, when destructive stress sets in, it can suck up all your energy and render you sub-optimal.  This is why it’s important to learn and practice stress management techniques early in your career.  Stress will only increase as you climb the career ladder. ...  read more

5 Simple Ways to Improve Communication Skills

how to improve communication skills

Good communication skills are a key factor in every aspect of your career; from being hired, closing a sale, working well within your organization or earning a promotion. Even if you outperform in every other area. If you’re marked poor in communication you’re less likely to advance in your career. Practicing good communication skills on an ongoing basis can help you develop professionally and reach your business goals. ...  read more

How to be Successful at Work – 3 Questions Answered

The most frequently asked question I receive from readers is some version of how to be successful at work or in my career.   Below is the latest question I received in this category.   Ying, a Chinese immigrant working in the US used the Ask Me Anything tool inside the Soft Skills Gym to send me the following questions.   I want to share my response to also help others in similar situations. ...  read more

How to Prepare for a Graduate School Interview – 4 Tips

how to prepare for a graduate school interview

Learning tips early on how to prepare for a graduate school interview will give you an advantage.  Applying to graduate school is a stressful and busy process. From choosing the programs you’re interested in to polishing your resume, securing references, and writing essays, there’s just a great deal to keep track of. But in the whole process, one of the trickiest steps is going through interviews with admissions officers. ...  read more

Paris Terrorist Attack Puts Life in Perspective

paris terrorist attack puts life in perspective

It was our team’s assistant who told me about the Paris terrorist attack on Friday afternoon.   Right before, I was busy updating a presentation and worrying about something I don’t even remember now.  I quickly halted both to follow what was going on in Paris and contacted our neighbor to find out if his daughter and son are okay in Paris.  I have yet to hear back. ...  read more