Acknowledge Your Effort for Showing Up


“Acknowledge your effort for showing up.” That is what a Bikram teacher used to say to us at the end of every class.   To this day, I still repeat this phrase to myself during class.   It reminds me to appreciate myself for simply making the class, regardless of how inflexible I was, or how imperfectly I was able to do the postures during that particular class. ...  read more

Use Rules of Dating to Find Dream Career

Since starting this blog, I constantly receive from friends recommended articles written about career advice. Thank you! Here is an insightful and hilarious one written by Nicole Williams called Rules of Dating can Help You Land a Dream Job. Nicole is the author of the book “Girl on Top,” and this article contains excerpts from this book. ...  read more

Do Women suffer Disadvantages in Business?

This is a very popular topic for discussion in this day and age. A good friend forwarded me an article this week that prompted me to want to write this post. The article is called Salary, Gender and the Social Cost of Haggling

It included a lot of great quantitative data on this subject, if you are interested in the details. Key points of view of this article are: ...  read more

Starting a New Job – 6 Tips for First 90 Days

If you just got a new job, congratulations! This is a tough market, so getting a job is definitely an achievement. Now another type of work begins. The first 90 days on the job is critical to building a strong foundation for success at your new company. You may say, what do you mean? I know how to work. I would say I am sure you do but starting a new job involves more than just hard work...  read more

Success is about Working Smarter Not Harder

work smarter not harder

Growing up Asian, we are told that hard work is always what is needed to achieve success.Like a good Chinese girl, I followed that advice and worked my butt off at McKinsey, my first job.Fortunately or unfortunately, I learned quickly that hard work is not enough, and sometimes does not even help. ...  read more

Being Proactive Pays

Literally! We all know the concept, but I want to share with you a true story of how it was used in practice for job search. My friend (Mary – a false name) was laid off just a month ago and was told her last day will be July 24. What does she do?

Mary immediately calls her old company she previously quit (to get this current job) to see if her old position is still open. (Kudos to her for being so open minded and for keeping a good relationship even though she quit) To her surprise, her old position was still open. They were just finalizing on an internal candidate when Mary called and said they were willing to consider her, but it would need for them to open the job in HR to the public in order to hire her from the outside the company. They said they will get back to her next week. ...  read more