Growth Mindset Definition – What Does it Mean for Your Work?

What is a Growth Mindset? Stanford Professor Carol Dweck developed this concept in her 2006 book – Mindset – The New Psychology for Success.  In there, she provides the following Fixed Mindset and Growth Mindset definitions: “In a fixed mindset, students believe that their basic abilities, their intelligence, their talents, are just fixed traits. They have a certain…  ...  read more

How to Keep Your Job During Massive Layoffs

Are you worried about keeping your job? Is your company announcing layoffs?  If so, you need to listen to the recording below. It is my distinct pleasure to introduce a new Executive Author, Helena Light, to our site.  Helena has been a friend and neighbor of mine for the last 10+ years.  She is also the Partner…  ...  read more

Achieving Work Life Balance – A Letter to Myself

Achieving work life balance takes self-awareness, making tough choices, and being disciplined.  As a recovering over-achiever and perfectionist, this is hard for me.     My natural tendency with any job is to err on the side of working over-time and prioritizing my job above anything else.   The only reason I was able to maintain…  ...  read more

Dealing with a Difficult Boss – Lynn Marie’s Story

Dealing with a difficult boss is always a sensitive topic.  We don’t always know if we should say anything, or how we should go about addressing our issues with them.  This is why I am excited to introduce another candid conversation with one of our Executive Authors, Lynn Marie Auzenne. In this recording, we discussed Lynn…  ...  read more

How Gloria Successfully Recovered from Not Getting Promoted

Not getting the promotion we were expecting can be devastating to our self-image.   I am here to tell you that you are not alone.  In fact, not getting promoted can happen to the best of us.  What is important is how you handle this unexpected news and what you do next to keep advancing in…  ...  read more