Business Email Etiquette – 5Cs Checklist

workoutWorkout Objective:   Get your emails noticed, improve response rate, and minimize misunderstanding.
Prerequisite: Read the article: 5Cs to Effective Email Communication.
Recommended Frequency: Use it for all important email communication until it becomes second nature.
Workout steps:

  • This checklist is the most relevant to use on the first email you would send to a person regarding a new topic.
  • Write a draft first.
  • Use this checklist to review your draft and update it according to its suggestions.
  • Once complete, add a comment below about your experience.  Feel free to ask questions in the comments section


Today, I want to provide you with a checklist on the etiquette for each of the “5Cs” to Effective Email Communication.  You can use it to review any important work email to make sure it can be the most effective.

5Cs Business Email Etiquette
Captures attention
  • Is your subject line 4-8 words long?
  • Can the email receiver quickly understand what your email is about from the subject line?
  • Did you convey what you want in the first few sentences of the email? I suggest asking first, then providing context.
  • If it’s a long email, did you bold key areas that the receiver should focus on?
  • Have you provided enough context/background information in the email for the receiver to understand it without referring to a separate document, conversation, or other emails that are not attached?
  • Did you include any abbreviations or acronyms in the email?  Are you sure that the audience understands your abbreviations or acronyms?
Clear and concise
  • Are your sentences short and to the point?  Sentences that have more than 15 words are probably too long.
  • Is there a good logical flow to your email? 
  • Is your grammar correct in all sentences?
  • Did you provide a specific time frame of when you would like a response?
  • Did you provide information about how you will follow up if you don’t get a response?
  • Did you use bullets to make it easy for anyone to scan your email and understand quickly what you need and why?
Concrete suggestions
  • Is your request open-ended?  If so, did you include possible options to the open-ended question?
  • Did you make sure your request in the email does not dump the issue on the receiver to solve?  Be sure you are highlighting the issue and offering solutions while asking for their feedback. 
  • Did you address the email receiver by name?
  • Did you open the email with a courteous sentence?
  • Did you conclude the email with at least one pleasantry sentence (e.g., have a great weekend, or best regards)?
  • Did you sign your name in addition to having a standard signature at the end?

It’s a draft checklist, so I would love to hear your comments about what may be missing.

Your comments: Is there anything else you would add? Add your comments below and let’s have a discussion.

Like this post? Help me out by sharing it on Linkedin, Email, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc.

I am always in your corner.

– Lei

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jamie trent
7 months ago

Thanks for the advice. I will try to employee on my email communications.

vikas verma
8 years ago

That’s a very structured approach you have shared there. I also wanted to know if you can add something related to bullets or font sizes or font styles. Which ones are the most sought after? And why?

Savio Rebello
9 years ago


Thanks for the above checklist.
A couple of questions; what do you mean by Logical flow…..and I would also like to improve my grammar. Is there an additional information I can have where I can improve my grammar.

Maria Ruiz
10 years ago

I love this checklist. It’s posted on my workstation at work. I have shared it as well and it’s concise and comprehensive.

Thank you!

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