Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and your 2024 is off to a great start. Mine is off to a rocky start. I already feel behind at work; I am already disappointed in myself on some things I should have done already but haven’t, and my head is filled with a backlog of to dos that probably will last me at least through April. Can you relate? if you can, this seminar can benefit you.
Such is life of me = a Controller, Hyper-achiever, who is also Restless :-). While I am all these things, I am thankful knowing that I don’t have to let my top “Saboteurs” dictate my life, my actions anymore. I can step out of my default reactions and be at peace, be kind to myself and others, and still attain high performance.
What am I talking about? Come and find out in this free Mental Fitness seminar. I start my mental fitness journey 3+ year ago and it is one of the top learning of my life that is still helping me with my peace of mind, my relationships, and my performance. I want to share it with you. If you find yourself struggling with any of the following, this seminar can benefit you.
- Do you notice a lot of negative self talk inside your head?
- Do you want to achieve more, but with less pain or sacrifices?
- Do you feel stuck, even though you know you want to change?
- Are you wondering why you are so triggered into negative emotions by certain situations or people?
All these and more are natural human experiences. We all have what we called Saboteurs, strengths we developed long ago that are now overused and causing us pain. In this seminar, we will talk about what they are, how we can intercept them (in effect stop them from making us feel bad), and better tap into our wiser Sage self and faster. We cannot control what is happening in the world, how others behave, nor what “bad things” may happen to us in the future, however mental fitness can help you realize
- You don’t need to predict the future
- You can always control how you react to what happens to you and choose actions that empowers you
- You can with ease achieve higher performance, build better relationships, and have peace of mind. No pain no gain is a lie!
Add this event to your Google Calendar – Free Mental Fitness Seminar – Google calendar event
Event Date/Time: Jan 10, 2024 5:30 – 6:30pm pacific time
Zoom link details: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4134032065?pwd=VWdlRUpZRkF3OXlBaHlQNk1QUkdmQT09
- Meeting ID: 413 403 2065
- Passcode: 511144
I look forward to speaking with you. Please add this event to your
Best wishes in 2024!