I was initially surprised when Raina (not her real name) asked this question – how to obtain meaningful feedback from my manager. As we had 10 minutes left in our coaching call, Raina shared her situation and her question. She acknowledged that her manager was quite busy. However she still wished that her manager would give her more concrete feedback in her performance reviews so she knows how to improve.
I loved that Raina asked this question. She obviously has a growth mindset and is hungry to learn and evolve more in her career. The only issue is her manager’s feedback has been either too general or too vague.
This is likely a common challenge for managers, especially those who are relatively new to being a team manager. Transitioning from an individual contributor to a team manager is a difficult one. In addition to not having a lot of time, many managers are also likely not trained on how to provide specific and helpful feedback to each of their team members.
Did you know 60% employees would like feedback from their manager on a daily or weekly basis? While the manager is responsible for providing feedback, it’s also helpful for you, the employee, to do everything you can to get the meaningful feedback you need.
In this 14 minute coaching call, Raina shared her situation in detail (thank you Raina) and we provided practical tips for her to try.
- How to be more targeted in her ask for feedback from her manager
- From who else she can also get feedback
- What she can try next
Your comments: I would love to know if you also face this challenge with your manager. If you are, what else are you doing to get more meaningful feedback? I look forward to your comments and questions.
Your comments: Do you have an inner voice that tells you that you are not enough? Do you where it comes from and how to ignore it? I look forward to hearing from you.
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