Mid-Year Check-In on My New Year Resolutions & a Path Forward

Can you believe we’re halfway through the year already? Time flies.  Are you still working on your New Year Resolutions?  If you are not, don’t worry, you are not alone.   On average only 46% of people are still working on their New Year resolutions after six months.   Whether you are or not, mid year is a good time to check in and perhaps invigorate your pursuit again to achieve your New Year resolutions.    Back in January, I chose three personal resolutions to focus on: Do Less, Love Myself, and Find Myself.   Here is where I am today and how I plan to move forward.

Do Less

My first resolution was all about simplifying life and learning to say “no” to the things that don’t serve me. I wanted to clear out the clutter in my schedule and focus on what truly matters.  Doing less meant slowing down my busy pace of life by minimizing excess activities, social commitments and distractions that sap energy and time. My goal was more open space for meaningful interactions, self-care and enjoying simple pleasures.

If I’m being real, it’s still a daily struggle.  Old habits die hard.  I find myself squeezing in one more task, rushing to the next errand and obsessing over unimportant details.  But through awareness and practice, I’ve made some headway. I’ve started iphone diet days :-), got better at leaving time unscheduled and tried not to take on more than necessary.

The result? I feel more in control of my time and, in turn, my life. I’ve managed to carve out more space for activities I love, like dancing and spending more time with my kids (drawing, playing soccer, doing crafts, and playing board games).  It’s still a work in progress.  It comes down to every decision I make about what I will and will not do each day.  There always seems to be more things to do than there is time.  I am also learning that doing less requires patience and self-compassion. When I misstep, I re-center on my intention to be more present and purposeful. Minimizing excess has made me realize how much freedom comes with simplicity. My goal remains progress, not perfection.

Love Myself

How many times have you heard the phrase “self-love” thrown around? It’s one of those things that’s easier said than done. My goal was to treat myself with care and kindness, both mentally and physically.  I started with the basics: eating well, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly. But self-love goes beyond that. It’s about embracing who I am, flaws and all, and appreciating my unique qualities – even when my inner critic or my dad is unintentionally telling me otherwise.

A few things that have helped are reengaging with my mental fitness practice and speaking regularly with my new therapist.    My mental fitness practice includes regularly doing my PQ exercises and meditating with the Headspace app.  I am also coaching another Mental Fitness bootcamp.   Preparing myself each week to help others in developing mental fitness is really helping me with self love and being centered.  Lastly, I am actively addressing the interaction issues I have with my dad with my therapist.  She is teaching me to slow down as I process my feelings and to ask myself what my inner child needs.  I am better able to give myself love and more accepting of the way he prefers to show love – with his knowledge, wisdom, and time.

Has it been easy? Nope. Some days are harder than others.  Moments of self-doubt still arise but with less judgment and more patience. ‘m learning to be kinder to myself, and that’s a huge step in the right direction.  My commitment remains learning to fully accept myself as I am while still growing into my best self. Unconditional self-love requires both kindness and honesty. Overall, I’m finding more peace on the path of self-acceptance.  I accept it will be a journey, not a destination.

Find Myself

This resolution might sound a little vague, but it’s all about getting to know myself better and discovering my passions, goals, and values. I wanted to take a step back from the hustle and bustle of daily life and really dig deep into who I am and what I want.    This is timely since my employer collapsed in March and I am having some major life events personally.

To find myself, I’ve spent time reflecting on my experiences, both good and bad, and how they’ve shaped me. I’ve also reached out to friends and family for their perspectives on what makes me “me.” It’s been an eye-opening experience, and I am still learning so much about myself in the process.   I really enjoy solving problems, helping others, and keeping my brain active.   I realize I want to work until the day I die but not in the current form.  I rather have about 12 weeks off throughout the year but work rest of the time.  I want to teach.  I want to advise. I want to lead.  How I will do that for the next 30-40 years is still a mystery, but I am exploring 🙂

Finding myself has been the most challenging yet rewarding resolution. It is an ongoing process, but I’m enjoying the journey and excited to see where it leads.

My Path Forward

Overall, I feel good about the progress I’m making, even if imperfectly. My resolutions were meant as lifelong commitments to growth, not a quick fix. While the path isn’t clear, I trust staying dedicated and compassionate with myself I’ll get where I need to go. The year still holds infinite opportunities.   Here’s to continuing the journey at my own pace. I’ve outlined a few steps to help me stay on track for the rest of the year:

  1. Remember my motivation and purpose. Connecting to the “why” behind my resolutions helps overcome obstacles and stay committed. I want to live authentically and contribute meaningfully.
  2. Take action based on new insights. As I gain clarity about my values, interests and strengths, I will try engaging them in concrete ways, such as meet new people and be open to new opportunities to gain experience. Action builds motivation and progress.
  3. Practice self-compassion. Learn to appreciate my small wins and be gentle with perceived “failures.” Staying kind and patient with myself makes the journey sustainable.
  4. Continue reflecting and exploring. Set aside time for wandering thoughts, soul-searching conversations, trying new things. Discovery should be an ongoing process that will help me learn and evolve.
  5. Share and discuss my progress with others.  While self reflection helps, getting input from those I trust also energizes me and gives me new perspectives.

How about you?

Have you checked in on any resolutions or goals you set this year?  If so, how are you doing and how do you plan to keep going the rest of the year?    Here’s to continuing our pursuit imperfectly or start afresh now. We’ve got this! Our story is still being written by us! Enjoy the journey.

Your comments: where are you with your new year resolutions?   will you start afresh now if you they have lapsed?  I look forward to your comments

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