Coaching Call Recording – How to Lead Effective Meetings

how to lead effective meetings

More than 50% of work hours is filled by meetings. The percentage is even higher if you are more senior in your role and you work for a big organization. Being able to lead effective meetings can have a profound impact on your productivity and on your reputation and the types of relationship you can build.  ...  read more

Focus on What I Want Instead of What I Don’t Want

stressful work

Work has been stressful. At a macro level, there are massive organizational changes in motion and definitive news of layoffs coming this year. At the micro level, my leader resigned last week and I have to deal with lots of politics, ineffective processes, and incompetence.  I guess “work” is not called “play” for a reason.  🙂 ...  read more

“Maybe I am too old …?” This funny video will help you stop that thinking

Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing fathers and grandfathers today! This article is inspired by my dad who is brilliant, fearless, and my hero.

My dad is 76 years old and takes long walks with my mom every morning and works out regularly. Thankfully both of my parents are healthy and safe during the current craziness. He still works full time even though he is “retired” and he loves it. He is a world renowned physicist and before COVID, travelled all over the world sharing his research with large oil consortiums. Now he does it via Zoom! ...  read more

Outraged by George Floyd’s Death? 4 Difficult Actions to Take to Drive Change

I struggled with what to say and how to feel after watching the blatant racism and senseless killing of George Floyd. I just cried. How can this be happening in 2020? I always thought I was doing enough by being “color blind” when it comes to interacting with anyone.

I realized however that I haven’t done enough. I came across this video 2 weeks ago and watched it with anguish and sadness.  ...  read more

How to Help Your Teenager Choose a Career – 7 Tips

This is a guest post with heavy edits by Lei Han

Probably one of the most awkward and challenging phases in our lives was our teenage years. As adults, we probably remember how it was. We went through a lot of mental, physical and emotional changes and life during that period was often confusing and scary. Now that we are adults and have growing kids, it is important to understand how to help our teenagers think about what they want to do when they grow up. Discussions with your teenager will not only help them but will also forge a closer bond between the two of you.  ...  read more

Working From Home – How to Build Your Reputation with Your Manager Remotely

There are so many perks when working from home including saving commute time and the ability to work in sweat pants. However working remotely makes it a lot more challenging to build relationships, including the one you need to build with your manager. Whether you always worked remotely or just started due to COVID 19 crisis, you should know how to best build your reputation with your manager remotely.  ...  read more

What is the Easiest Soft Skill to Develop

I got this question on Quora – What is the easiest soft skills to develop?. This question stomped me at first as soft skills by natural are a bit more difficult to develop. With that said, I think listening skills is perhaps the easiest to learn.

You have to be intentional and understand what active listening skills really mean. It’s the easiest to develop for four reasons. ...  read more