Five Most Common Interview Mistakes

most common interview mistake

Most of you know that you must arrive early for an interview.  But do you know what are the most common interview mistakes that even smart professionals make?

Today, US News posted on Yahoo finance an interesting article called 50 worst of the worst interview mistakes.  While most of the listed are pretty obvious and funny, I want to comment on five mistakes that are commonly made even by people who have fairly good interviewing skills. ...  read more

Enjoy Often and Never Retire

Growing up, you always hear that everyone’s dream is to work hard, earn lots of money quickly and retire as early as possible  (maybe at 65, 55 or 45 if you can wing it).  Well, I say forget it!  That doesn’t sound like a dream at all. 

Imagine working your butt off at 80 -100 hour weeks for 20-40 years so you can retire early.  In the meantime, you may delay time to enjoy life; you may skip precious family time and vacations; you may delay time to find someone special; you may work your body to death.  And for what?  So you can enjoy yourself after you retire, with probably a series of health issues and nothing to do.   ...  read more

Interview tip – practice makes perfect

It’s amazing how much children (like my 21 months old) can repeatedly do things so they can learn a new skill, like how to build a puzzle. There is no hesitation or judgment – just pure focus on repeating an action until she gets it right and sheer drive to learn more everyday.

Developing your job search skills (e.g. interviewing skills) also need this kind of practice, focus and drive, but often times as an adult, we judge too quickly on how we are doing while we learn. A simple concept of practice makes perfect is often not executed because of  constant self-criticism. To build your interviewing skills, for example, there are many ways you can practice. How many of these are you doing? ...  read more