Great Way to Start 2018 – Summary of Insider Tips for Every Career Situation

stack the deck

Whatever your career situation is today, I can help you “Stack the deck” in your favor.  Job search and work are never fair.   It will favor those who know how to play the game.  I am here to help you with insider tips on how to play the game to your advantage in any career situation.  If you are in any of the four situations below, I can point you to the insider tips I have gathered in the last 20 years, so you can work smart, get what you want in your career, and live more. ...  read more

Want to Get a Mini-MBA in 8 Hours – Read this Book

best leadership book

Happy New Year!  Welcome to 2018…  I hope you had a chance to spend time with family and friends.  During the holidays, I have been obsessed with this book.  I have been listening to it while running, driving, and before I go to bed.   It’s the only business book I have ever finished to the last page in the last 10 years.

Whether you already has an MBA or want one, read this book.    I am not paid to endorse it.  I am simply inspired by what it shares.   “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek is filled with real life case studies and talks about

  • Leadership – how to inspire everyone to take action
  • Marketing – how to use the law of diffusion to build a $B company
  • Strategy – how certain companies like Apple, Southwest, Harley Davidson have been able to consistently innovate and beat their competition
  • Operations – How Continental was able to recover from bankruptcy with a new CEO and whole new way to operate
  • Career path – How we can navigate our own career based on understanding why – what really drives our passion and get us up in the morning
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    Are You on the Right Career Path? Ask Yourself These 4 Questions

    right career path

    I just found out a close friend has cancer.  I was shocked by the news.  Although her cancer is highly treatable, it was a complete surprise.  She will need to go through 6 months of chemo and hell to recover.  I share this with you to help you step back from the daily grind and see the big picture.  Life is short and finite.

    • Are you on the right career path?
    • Are you doing what you are suppose to be doing?
    • If you were told you have cancer today, would you make different choices in your career and life?

    Our life is a gift.  Don’t wait until you have shocking news in your life to reexamine.  It’s never too early to reassess or take a different direction altogether.   Today, I want to help you answer these questions.

    Many of us work long hours, forgo time with family, friends, and skip vacations, so we can get ahead in our career.    But do we know why we do it?  The superficial answer is to make more money, or get promoted, or be recognized.   But I would argue none of that really help us feel fulfilled.

    Our career path must have a deeper meaning for it to be worth the effort and the time away from our families.   That meaning will also help ground us if we receive sad unexpected news like this from a friend or from a doctor about our own health.

    Here are 4 questions to help you examine your current career path and trajectory?

    Question 1: Does my job & career make a difference somehow?  I have shared the definition of success before.  It’s not about material status, and much more about our level of contribution to others.  Making a difference comes in all forms.   For example, it can be about

  • earning money so I can support my family and my kids’ education
  • making a positive impact to the customers my company serves (whether with a new product I launch or solving service issues painlessly)
  • coaching those on my team so they can learn from my experience and skills
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    Paris Terrorist Attack Puts Life in Perspective

    paris terrorist attack puts life in perspective

    It was our team’s assistant who told me about the Paris terrorist attack on Friday afternoon.   Right before, I was busy updating a presentation and worrying about something I don’t even remember now.  I quickly halted both to follow what was going on in Paris and contacted our neighbor to find out if his daughter and son are okay in Paris.  I have yet to hear back.

    My heart goes out to the 500+ victims and their families/ friends who are suffering this terrible tragedy.   I don’t know about you, but the Paris terrorist Attack quickly put life in perspective for me.  We may all be facing some bumps in our career or life, but relative to what happened in Paris, it’s all “small stuff.”   This is a good time to step back from the everyday routine and think about what life and success truly mean to all of us?

  • Is life all about work?
  • Is success about what level we are at a company?
  • Is success about how much we make a year in salary and bonus?
  • Is success about whether we get the promotion we deserve?
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    How to Get a Promotion – Top 5 Questions Answered

    how to get a promotion

    Even since I launched the first group coaching call on Insider Tips to Getting Promoted, I am pleased to received many great questions by email related to how to get a promotion at work.   Here are the top 5 most common questions and my perspective.  Overall, you will see a theme.  Besides being a good at your job, you need to have great soft skills such as managing upwards, leadership skills, skills to deal with office politics etc… in order to increase your chances for promotion.

    Question 1: What is more important to get promoted (being a pro in your role or office politics)?”

    You need both because promotion decisions are based on the perception of your work instead of the reality.  If you are just a pro in your role but you don’t self-promote, you may easily lose the chance for promotion to someone who is pretty good but also took the time to proactively build his or her work brand with their boss and other senior folks.

    While I say both, I don’t mean you need to be perfect.  Remember the 80/20 rule.   Spend enough time to be above average at your role as well as demonstrate key skills needed at the next level.  Then use the rest of the time to build relationships with your manager and other who may influence your promotion decision.

    Question 2: I am at a place in my working life where I am ready to move onto the big open stage of visibility. How do I become more vocal, more visible?

    I am so glad you asked this question.  Being vocal and visible are keys to getting promoted.   The working world is not fair.  You can’t just hide in a corner and hope someone will realize what a rock star you are, no matter how hard and long you work.   You may think the results you achieve for your company will speak for themselves.  They won’t.  It doesn’t work that way as it puts all the work on your manager to realize all this about you.   You have to be proactive in being vocal and visible and consciously build your work brand with key people at your company.  Here are 3 tips

    • Speak up in meetings – show your expertise and help others.  This means share your perspective.  Be helpful and be there to propose solutions to unsolved issues facing the company or your team.  If you are not sure how to start, here is a detailed guide on how to speak up in meeetings
    • Proactively reach out to offer help – it is important to go beyond your job description if you want to get promoted.  To be visible, you have to pay attention to what others are trying to accomplish in the company and devise ways you may be able to help. You can start with sharing information you have that can help them or offer to volunteer your time to help a senior person with a side project.
    • Set up one-on-one “meet and greets”  –  Being vocal or visible doesn’t always have to be in a group setting.  Look at your role and figure out what key people you should build relationships with and then be proactive to schedule one-on-one meetings to get started.  It immediately shows that you are resourceful and have leadership potential

    Questions 3: What if I am an introvert and don’t like the lime light?  How do I get a promotion?

    You have to decide what is more important for you – getting promoted or staying out of the lime light.   As you move up in the career world, you are by default more and more in the lime light.   The leadership team will only feel comfortable promoting you if you are already demonstrating leadership skills at your level.   That requires you to step out of the shadows.

    I also want to dispel a myth.   Being an introvert is not the same as someone who avoids the spotlight.  I am an introvert.  That only means I need to re-charge my energy in a quiet space.  Many introverts are great leaders, like Abraham Lincoln or Warren Buffet.   If you want to be promoted, it means you welcome the opportunity to be in the spotlight.

    Question 4 – How to approach a discussion about Promotion? Do I need to ask my Managers that I am seeking the Promotion?”

    Yes, you absolutely need to ask and you should do it about a year in advance.    Most companies only make promotion decisions once a year.  It’s important that you discuss your career path to promotion a year in advance.    This way you can find out

    1. If your manager also thinks you may be ready in one year for promotion
    2. What key skills you should demonstrate in order to be on track for promotion.

    Early alignment with your manager will only help you.  With that said, discussing promotion with your manager is an art rather than a science.  It is important to be clear on your intent but not be demanding or overbearing.  The goal for promotion should be about your aspiration to grow with the company and less about your agenda for status or pay.   You should avoid being overly direct.  You can simply ask for advice about your career path to get a better sense of where he or she think you may be ready for promotion and go from there.

    Question 5 – How do you change / alter your bosses perception once they have ‘labeled’ you?

    Wow, what a great and a real life question.  There are two reasons your boss may have labeled you

    Reason 1: You made a pretty serious mistake at work and now your boss is concerned about your skill set (e.g. being detailed oriented)

    Reason 2: Your boss is quick to judge based on his or her background and insecurities.  You are unfortunately labeled unfairly already

    If it’s reason 1, I would say, you have control to change your boss’ perception.  Everyone make mistakes.  You need to be proactive in working on that skill set and more importantly show your boss how you are improving.  This signals that you took it seriously and are willing to do everything needed to make this weakness a strength.

    If it’s reason 2, it time to change jobs.  You cannot change your boss or his or her unfair bias.   Speaking up about it to your boss or HR will just make it worse for you.  If your boss has “labeled” you, it just mean he will never be able to see how awesome you are and can become.   Don’t work for such mediocre bosses!  Look for another job.   It may take some work, but you will be happier in the long run.


    It’s important to find out early at each company on how to get a promotion.  Don’t just read this, ask senior folks in your company for advice.  They will know many more insider tips that can help you succeed.    Be proactive, speak up, and show people why they should promote you.  When you make it that easy, you will tip the chances of promotion in your favor.    Best wishes to your success

    Your comments:  Do you have other questions about how to get a promotion?   Add your comment below and I would be happy to address.

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    Soft Skills – How to Succeed Like an Executive ...  read more

    Insider Tips to Getting Promoted – Group Coaching Call


    We had an amazing first Group Coaching Call this past Tuesday.  The topic was Insider Tips to Getting Promoted.   I prepared the following materials and had a very interactive discussion with everyone for an hour.

  • 3 Most Common Mistakes people make that jeopardizes their promotion – based on an article I drafted but haven’t published yet.  This also included practical tips on what you can do to avoid them.
  • 3 Must Dos to increase your chance for promotion – based on the article How to Get Promoted – 6 Tips
  •  ...  read more

    What Kind of “Sugar” Can You Contribute?

    sugar newlyweds

    I can’t stop watching this video.  It just make me feel so good about life and people.  My husband showed it to us a few weeks ago.  Now my kids and I watch it almost every day and dance to it in pure joy.

    So why am I share this on my career blog?  Well, it made think about the true meaning of success and a challenge for all of you.

    True Meaning for Success

    • It’s not about how much Maroon 5 will make off of this song and their upcoming concert.
    • It’s not about how good looking or talented Adam Levine is
    • It’s not even about the song “Sugar” and it’s very addictive love lyrics.

    What this video made me realize is how much Adam Levine in a single day brought sheer joy to all those newlyweds who saw his surprise performance at their wedding.   Their shocked faces and joy bring a whole different level of success for Adam Levine and his band.

    As you may remember, I talked about the definition of success before.   I highlighted the sentence this video above reminded me.   For Adam Levine, he was able to use his fame and talent in a very genuine way – to bring joy to these newlyweds.


    To laugh often and much;
    to win the respect of intelligent people and affection of children;
    to earn the appreciation of honest critics
    and endure the betrayal of false friends;
    to appreciate beauty;
    to find the best in others;
    to leave the world a bit better,
    whether by a healthy child, a garden patch
    or redeemed social condition;
    to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived
    That is to have succeeded!

    – Ralph Waldo Emerson

    A Challenge for All of You – What kind of “Sugar” can you contribute to people around you?

    What do I mean?  We may not be Adam Levine, but we all have our gifts to give to others.  When we are there to truly help others and make a difference, we can achieve success every day.  For me, this means

  • Writing more articles on this blog to inspire others
  • Helping a colleague at work even though it’s not my job
  • Guiding a tourist on the street who is lost
  • Teaching my kids how to skate, how to read, how to …
  • Volunteering
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