Jim Carrey Inspires Us to Follow Our Dreams

Jim carrey

Why am I here on earth?  What makes me truly happy in life?  How do I find my passion?  I don’t know about you, but I am asking myself these questions more and more often as I get older.  There is so much societal pressure to make more money, get that promotion faster, and show off the fancy car/house we were able to buy.  Yet, there always seems to be a disconnect between what we can achieve and our happiness. ...  read more

Mid Career Change – 4 Tips on How to Do it

career change at 40

Making a mid career change, a career change around the age of 40 or 45, is a courageous decision. It is possible for anyone in their mid-life to do this, as long as they understand the trade-offs involved.

Below is a great question I received from a reader who is considering a mid career change, and 4 tips I had for her that would make this change possible. ...  read more

Do You Need an MBA to Succeed?

yes no maybe

I will give you a consultant answer – it depends.  But I won’t stop there.  I think too many people get an MBA or a Master’s degree for the wrong reasons and after they finish school, they are disappointed with the fact it didn’t yield the results they hoped.

Don’t make this costly mistake.  Do these four research steps before you apply for school.  They will help you objectively determine if and which MBA or Master’s degree is worth the investment of your time and money to advance your career. ...  read more

How to Find More Time and Live a “Why Not” Life

Do you ever find yourself wishing that you had more time to do the things you love?  I work almost full time, have 2 kids, a household to manage, and I write this blog and newsletter in my “spare time.” Since I juggle all of this, I ask myself this question often, wishing I had 30 hours a day instead of 24 hours.  If you can identify at all with this question, I highly recommend watching this 11 min video by Kevin Smith, who answers this exact question with humor and passion. ...  read more

M.A.P. to Career Success


As I look back on my career, I have noticed a pattern to my success — every time I achieved something, three components were in play: Mindset, Action, and erseverance – more easily remembered as a M.A.P..

In this article, I’m going to explain what each part involves, along with some examples of each. I hope this framework and my stories below can support you in your career success journey. ...  read more

Know When to Change Jobs – Watch for Six Signs

when to change jobs

Do you know when it’s time to change jobs?  I find this topic interesting because when and how often you decide to change jobs can determine how fast you can progress in your career.   Those who stay at a job too long can stignant their own career progression without knowing it as opposed to those who are in tune with the overall job market and their market value.   It’s important to realize when to change jobs so you can giving yourself the best chance for upward progression.   For this question of when to change jobs,  I have two answers. ...  read more

How to Break into a Managerial Role – Part 2

Previously, we discussed the first part of this real life situation that Jessica is experiencing.  Today, we will finish this topic on how to break into a managerial role with a follow up discussion I had with Jessica a few weeks later.  Here is her follow up email updating me on her situation and some new challenges she is facing. ...  read more