Which 4 Adjectives Describe You?


Workout Objective:  Build self-awareness and have fun.
Prerequisite: None
Recommended Frequency: Once

Don’t think about it, just take 10 seconds to see which four words jump out at you from this image.

It’s just a game, but it’s interesting to find out which four words you see.  Perhaps they reflect less about who you are to others, but how you see yourself currently.  Did you see all positive words, or were some of them negative? ...  read more

5 Leadership Lessons from SF Giants

Congratulations to the San Francisco Giants for winning the World Series 2012!!  Today, 1 million fans get together in our great city of San Francisco to celebrate the Giants momentous win.

My husband is a huge Giants baseball fan for the last 30 + years and by association, our entire family are big fans as well.   The odds were stacked against the Giants throughout the playoffs, but they persevered.  Why?  Great leadership and teamwork!! ...  read more

How to Turn Down a Job Offer – 5 Tips and An Example

“How to turn down a job offer” may seem like a strange topic to discuss given our current job market.  However, to succeed like an executive means there will be times when you will get more than one job offer at the same time, even in today’s economy.  In that case, it’s important to know how to turn down a job offer gracefully. ...  read more

How To Stop Worrying – 5 Tips

How to stop worrying is an important soft skill to learn if you want to reduce stress and if you want to be the most effective at work and in life.  Everyone worries including me

  • “Does my client respect my work?
  • “How secure is my job? Will they extend my contract when it ends in October?”
  • “Will my 4 year old get a good enough education if she attended public school in San Francisco? Will she get into a good school?”

These are just a few of my worries today.  Worrying is a natural human emotion and everyone experience it.  So it is ok to worry.  What matters is how long you spend worrying in a day?  A few minutes is normal.  Prolonged worrying (for hours and days) is counterproductive and detrimental to your well being.  Nothing really gets solved or prevented from pro-longed worrying.  All you are doing when you are worried all the time is wasting time and freaking yourself out in the process. ...  read more