How to Ask for Help at Work – 5 Tips

help at work

One of the best skills you could possibly have to ensure a successful career is knowing how and when to ask for help at work. So many people are afraid of failure or being seen as incompetent that they often attempt projects or tasks just trying to improvise instead of asking for help. In a truly professional work environment, asking for help doesn’t necessarily mean you are dumb or hopeless, it just means you care about the quality of your work and how you represent your company. ...  read more

How to Walk Without Feeling Your Feet

Many readers have emailed me or commented on the blog to ask how they can build their confidence, since confidence is essential to career success.  I want to share this story I heard on Monday to see if it can help.

After each Yoga class, my favorite teacher, Ryan (female), talks to us about how Yoga can change our health and our lives.  This Monday, it was a little different.  Instead, she told us this story: ...  read more

How to Use Linkedin Effectively – 5 Tips for Your Career


Being able to use Linkedin effectively for networking and building your brand is a critical skill to further your career in today’s market.    Of the most widely recognized social media platforms, LinkedIn is arguably the most utilitarian. Most of the people who use Linkedin have a primarily business purpose behind their presence within the platform, and updates about what they had for dinner are noticeably absent. ...  read more

Ditch Your Traditional New Year’s Resolutions

Typically, right after Jan 1, we start saying resolutions for the New Year,

  • Lose 20 pounds
  • Get promoted by June
  • Find a better, more satisfying jobs
  • Get a 25% raise
  • Buy a house

If these sound like the resolutions you are making this year, I challenge you to throw them out!  Why?  We can be so result oriented that sometimes it keeps us from simply experiencing life.  Is life about results or is life about experiences?  Result-oriented resolutions have three major downsides ...  read more