How to Find More Time and Live a “Why Not” Life

Do you ever find yourself wishing that you had more time to do the things you love?  I work almost full time, have 2 kids, a household to manage, and I write this blog and newsletter in my “spare time.” Since I juggle all of this, I ask myself this question often, wishing I had 30 hours a day instead of 24 hours.  If you can identify at all with this question, I highly recommend watching this 11 min video by Kevin Smith, who answers this exact question with humor and passion. ...  read more

How to Stop Lack of Confidence

A reader recently asked, via email, “How can one make up for a lack of self-confidence?  How do I beat this nasty character flaw?” Having self-confidence is integral to building Inner Excellence, so I thought this would be a good time to address this question.

First, let me start by telling you a story: ...  read more

Trust Yourself and Take Your Own Path

I turned 40 this year.  I don’t know about you, but in my 20s, I always thought that 40 year olds were very responsible people. I also thought that 40 year olds seemed to know what they were doing — they seemed to have life more figured out. They were usually married, with a house, career, and 2.2 kids. At that time, I may not have wished to be old, but I wished I and life more figured out. ...  read more

#1 Secret to Career Success


What do you think is the #1 secret to career success is?  You may say good communication skills, people skills, or a pedigree education.  Well, I would argue that there is another skill that is critical to your career success above all else: a self-management skill called Resilience – the ability and courage to recover quickly from unexpected situations and adversity. ...  read more

Inner Excellence and Career Success

inner excellence

I just returned to work 3 months ago after having a second baby.  While I haven’t been away from work too long, I was surprised to find myself insecure – Do I still know how to work? Are my analytical, leadership, and communication skills up to par? Can I still deal with difficult personalities and office politics?  Ultimately, am I still as good as I used to be? ...  read more

Don’t be a Perfectionist

“What’s your biggest weakness?”  This is a question often asked in an interview.  One of the most common answers given is “I am a perfectionist.”  You may think yourself clever when you provide that answer, as it’s often thought of as a good, subtle way to talk about another strength of yours in the guise of a weakness.  Comments that follow may include “I work too hard, and may obsess about details…” ...  read more

How to Walk Without Feeling Your Feet

Many readers have emailed me or commented on the blog to ask how they can build their confidence, since confidence is essential to career success.  I want to share this story I heard on Monday to see if it can help.

After each Yoga class, my favorite teacher, Ryan (female), talks to us about how Yoga can change our health and our lives.  This Monday, it was a little different.  Instead, she told us this story: ...  read more