In a Tough Situation? 3 Pop Songs to Inspire You

inspirational songs

Do you ever notice that kids can learn pop songs overnight?   Luckily my kids are gravitating toward the inspirational ones rather than the racy ones.  They have been singing 3 songs on the top of their lungs for the last few months.  Coincidentally, these 3 songs are exactly what I needed to hear. ...  read more

5 Success Tips for College Graduates – What I Wish I Knew

tips for college graduates

Just graduated from college?   Congratulations and welcome to the workforce!  Do these words excite you or scare you to death?  If you are anything like me when I graduated from college, it’s probably both.

Transitioning from college to work can be a huge change.  It’s okay to feel exhilarated and nervous. I still remember how much I looked forward to starting my first full time job.  I was excited to finally make money and be part of the “real world”, but I also clearly remember my anxieties. ...  read more

Best Secret to Finding Your Dream Job


Do you want to find any job or your dream job?  The focus of this post and podcast is for all those who want the latter – a dream job!  Finding any job requires many of the same things – a great resume, good interview and networking skills, and a relentless effort to keep applying.  However, there is one difference in finding a dream job – a secret shared by Jane Lin, our newest Executive Author to the Soft Skills Gym...  read more

What Kind of “Sugar” Can You Contribute?

I can’t stop watching this video.  It just make me feel so good about life and people.  My husband showed it to us a few weeks ago.  Now my kids and I watch it almost every day and dance to it in pure joy.

So why am I share this on my career blog?  Well, it made think about the true meaning of success and a challenge for all of you. ...  read more

How to Deal with Stereotypes at Work – 4 Tips

A friend shared this Youtube video with me and I literally cried.  It talks about one stereotype that we all know about and how it affects us.  It’s amazing how stereotypes are so common in our society. Sometimes people use it intentionally in their communication to put down other people out of insecurity and other times people use stereotypes in their conversations and don’t even realize it. ...  read more

How to Find More Time and Live a “Why Not” Life

Do you ever find yourself wishing that you had more time to do the things you love?  I work almost full time, have 2 kids, a household to manage, and I write this blog and newsletter in my “spare time.” Since I juggle all of this, I ask myself this question often, wishing I had 30 hours a day instead of 24 hours.  If you can identify at all with this question, I highly recommend watching this 11 min video by Kevin Smith, who answers this exact question with humor and passion. ...  read more

How to Stop Lack of Confidence

A reader recently asked, via email, “How can one make up for a lack of self-confidence?  How do I beat this nasty character flaw?” Having self-confidence is integral to building Inner Excellence, so I thought this would be a good time to address this question.

First, let me start by telling you a story: ...  read more