4 Soft Skills Every Manager Needs

soft skills for managers

Managers with stronger skills in multiple areas have greater chances of becoming successful. As a manager, you need both hard skills (e.g. business or project management) and soft skills (e.g. leadership skills) to be effective.  I would argue soft skills are more important than hard skills as you get more senior in your career.  If you have a range of soft skills, you can facilitate enhanced adaptability, successful collaboration, and become far more valuable for your organization. Here are 4 soft skills every manager needs to possess in order to become successful in the modern business environment. ...  read more

5 Tips to Improve Teamwork in the Workplace

improve teamwork

Good teamwork calls for creating conditions that encourage everyone in the team to share their ideas, feel empowered, and perform in a collaborative and coordinated manner. As a team leader, you are responsible to develop people’s strengths, build good relationships with people, and set meaningful team goals to facilitate it. ...  read more

5 Tips to Run a Successful Meeting

5 tips to run a successful meeting

Meetings are an essential part of every organization.  Yet, at least 50% of meetings today are ineffective.  This cartoon on the left may seem silly but is not far from the truth in describing bad meetings.  It is essential to your success to learn how to run a successful meeting.  Effective meeting management skills will help you successfully share your ideas and thoughts with your audience.  It will also help you stand out in your job and build your work reputation. ...  read more

3 Tips to Develop Soft Skills

develop soft skills

In today’s competitive environment, it is imperative for employees to gain a competitive edge in order to achieve long-term growth and success. If you have the right technical knowledge and skills with reasonable achievements, you may have good chances of landing your dream job. However, you can further increase your chances of getting noticed by acquiring exceptional behavioral skills also called soft skills. ...  read more

5 Success Tips for College Graduates – What I Wish I Knew

tips for college graduates

Just graduated from college?   Congratulations and welcome to the workforce!  Do these words excite you or scare you to death?  If you are anything like me when I graduated from college, it’s probably both.

Transitioning from college to work can be a huge change.  It’s okay to feel exhilarated and nervous. I still remember how much I looked forward to starting my first full time job.  I was excited to finally make money and be part of the “real world”, but I also clearly remember my anxieties. ...  read more

How to Network with Senior Executives – 5 Tips

how to network with senior executives

I consider myself to be fairly competent at networking.  Even so, I still got intimidated when I thought about how to network with senior executives at my company.   I probably experienced some of the same self-doubt you have gone through:

  • Why would they want to build a relationship with me?  I don’t work with them day to day
  • They are probably too busy to connect with me.
  • I don’t want to come across like I’m “kissing up.”
  • How do I ask for a meeting?

In the last few months, I learned five great tips on networking with senior executives.  They have helped me authentically connect with three senior folks at my company.  Conversations with them have helped build my work brand and made me appreciate how much I can learn from each of them.  Here are the five tips.  I hope they can help you in your career. ...  read more