How to Improve Your Life and Work Today? Try OACS

improve your life and work

I have been interviewing therapists to see if I can find one that is a good fit.   This post is not about recommending you to get a therapist.  That’s totally up to you.   It’s about sharing a useful tip one therapist shared with me that immediately improve my perspective and thus my life and work.   Apply OCAS!  What is OCAS?  I will get to that in a few paragraph. ...  read more

How to Be More Productive at Work – Shorten Meetings by 5 min

Shorten meetings by 5 min?  How can that be more productive?  This concept may seem counter-intuitive but I think you will agree with me once you finish reading this post.    Have you noticed that our jobs now are full of meetings?  My meetings can run from 8am to 4pm with maybe one or two 30 min break in the middle.   This leaves very little time to think, plan, or work. ...  read more

How to Influence Others to Make Changes

Do you know how to influence others to listen to your ideas?   The ability to influence others is one of the most important soft skills to develop, especially as you get more senior in your career.   It is more of an art than a science.  The good news is I believe anyone can master the influence skills if you put in efforts to develop it.  If I can learn it, so can you.   🙂 ...  read more

I Turned 50 and I Am Learning the Art of Not Giving a “F*ck”

Hubby gave me a funny present for my birthday this year (see below).   He knows me well and it’s exactly what I needed.  I really cannot believe I am half a century old.  When I say I am 50 to others, I feel like I am talking about someone else.   I always thought that someone who is 50 years old is old and also have their sh*t together because they know how life works by this time. ...  read more

What’s Important But Not Urgent That You Are Not Doing for Your Career

Recently, we had a group coaching call on how to increase your productivity – how to maximize and optimize the use of your mental and emotional energy so that you achieve your desired outcome.  One of the topics we touched on was a common mistake most people make in their career – neglecting to do what’s important but not urgent.  ...  read more

Four Deaths in One Week – Prioritize Life Now in Your Decisions

Perhaps I am just getting older or perhaps it’s a life message that I need to hear.  I heard of four deaths that happened to my immediate friend circles this week and am saddened by their loss.   Two are my friends’ parent who died of old age and health issues in their 80s.  At least they lived a full life.  Two others are however people in their 50s and 60s.   Life can be so short and brutal. ...  read more

8 Subtle Signs of a Toxic Culture and What You Can Do About It

The #1 reason people quit their jobs today is due to a “toxic culture.”  Just what is the definition of a “toxic culture”?  Can you recognize it if you are in one?  I would argue that everyone can recognize the obvious signs of a toxic culture.  However, not as many can recognize the subtle signs of a toxic culture in development. ...  read more