How to Be More Productive at Work – Shorten Meetings by 5 min

Shorten meetings by 5 min?  How can that be more productive?  This concept may seem counter-intuitive but I think you will agree with me once you finish reading this post.    Have you noticed that our jobs now are full of meetings?  My meetings can run from 8am to 4pm with maybe one or two 30 min break in the middle.   This leaves very little time to think, plan, or work. ...  read more

How to Influence Others to Make Changes

Do you know how to influence others to listen to your ideas?   The ability to influence others is one of the most important soft skills to develop, especially as you get more senior in your career.   It is more of an art than a science.  The good news is I believe anyone can master the influence skills if you put in efforts to develop it.  If I can learn it, so can you.   🙂 ...  read more

I Turned 50 and I Am Learning the Art of Not Giving a “F*ck”

Hubby gave me a funny present for my birthday this year (see below).   He knows me well and it’s exactly what I needed.  I really cannot believe I am half a century old.  When I say I am 50 to others, I feel like I am talking about someone else.   I always thought that someone who is 50 years old is old and also have their sh*t together because they know how life works by this time. ...  read more

Should I Take a Leave from Work? Absolutely Yes and Here is Why

should i take leave from work

Looking back, I have taken 5 leaves from work already in my 20+ year career.  Some happened unexpectedly and others intentional.  Each time it was a difficult decision or unexpected turn of events.   I want to share my story in case it can help you think about whether you should take a leave from work. ...  read more

What’s Important But Not Urgent That You Are Not Doing for Your Career

Recently, we had a group coaching call on how to increase your productivity – how to maximize and optimize the use of your mental and emotional energy so that you achieve your desired outcome.  One of the topics we touched on was a common mistake most people make in their career – neglecting to do what’s important but not urgent.  ...  read more

A Good Example of Asking for What You Want and Getting It

I just wrote about How to Ask for What You Want at work last week.  I happen to have a live example to share now which happened outside of work.  It is great to practice asking for what you want outside of work to help you better do it at work as well.   Here is what happened

Our Challenge at Hotel Registration

We just took a trip to Vegas to visit my husband’s godparents.  They are 87 and 89 years old.  We decided to stay at the Golden Nugget in downtown Fremont street vs staying with them just so we don’t trouble them too much.  We haven’t been to Vegas in 4 years but have stayed at the Golden Nugget before. ...  read more

The Gift of Covid was More than I Expected – Five Unexpected Gifts

Am I being sarcastic?  Partly.  While there were definitely aspects of Covid that has been a huge pain to my family, there were truly also unexpected gifts.   Covid finally visited our household about 3 weeks ago.  First my husband and nanny got it and were quarantined and then a week later, my older daughter and I got it and switched places with them. ...  read more